Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Here’s a rake load of examples for you.

“Permanently outraged”?

You like to stereotype a lot and speak pretty much entirely through slogans, don’t you?

What have you been since your return to the forum except permanently outraged? Is there anything you aren’t outraged at?

Oh yeah, there is of course. Genocide.

Donetsk and Luthansk declared independence in 2014 and Ukraine went to war with those regions

That isn’t opinion, that is historical fact. It happened.

Russia recongnised the DPR and LPR on february 21st and invaded 3 days later… again, historical fact. This is the pretence under which Russia is trying to legitimise the invasion and why they are so very, very wrong.

To say none of that happened because you are so outraged has to be very, very embarrassing for you

And you’ve said those things a few times and even quoted yourself saying them…

Ah yeah. Kherson and Zaporizhia are “declaring themselves part of Russia” this weekend.

My neighbour’s back garden declared itself part of my back garden the other day.

I have said many times i don’t see the legitmacy of those declarations either fella. But to think they didn’t happen and aren’t one of the causes of the war is fanciful at best.

Those regions are predominantly filled with ethnic Russian people and were supported by Russia to gain control.

When the government was overthrown in 2014 the Russian people in Ukraine were never going to just leave

I don’t think any of that is in any way controversial and it certainly isn’t factually incorrect, i struggle to see how you can be smarmy about it, but i suppose you are you

So you say you “don’t see the legitimacy of those declarations” but somehow have decided to waffle on for days on end with a narrative which depends the “legitimacy” of those “declarations”.

You’re some laugh. You must be constantly refreshing Mick Wallace’s Twitter for new material.

What narrative? your fellow outragee got hung up on the term self declared for a day or two

I’ve said many times Russia is wrong and why I think so.

I don’t think I’ve said anything controversial

What do you think Russian people in Eastern Ukraine should have done when the pro Russian government was overthrown? Im asking that in good faith, and i suppose im the bigger fool

Zelensky campaigned on a pro peace manifesto, he then turned his back on that notion, and on previous nuclear arms agreements etc. To his credit he did negotiate a deal with putin- only to cave in to threats from britain and the US. I suppose he deserves some sympathy and support, but at the heels of the hunt he’s just another corrupt politician. Fellas on here are beguiled by his combat fatigues so on we go.

How the fuck did Field Marshal Paulus lose to these cunts.

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You seem to hold blame only on the Ukrainian side as regards the Minsk agreement. Strange that

Don’t be a liar

I don’t think I’ve said anything even remotely controversial or innacurate, maybe some of the finer details of the EPF, common defence stuff, but someone can correct me on that instead of just sticking their fingers in their ears.

I don’t agree with the militarisation of the EU. Do you ?

You are trying to lay blame upon Ukraine for being invaded.

I’ve done nothing but outline the events since 2014… i have blamed Russia for it on numerous occassions. It seems unless every post on this topic is one of a handwringing nature you are an enemy of some sort.

Catch yourself on

the invasion is wrong, Putin is evil, I hope Ukraine succesfully claim back the territories and peace can be found in the territories. I think that will be difficult and there will need to be some autonomy given those territories, which again will be difficult because it will be almost impossible to give it with Russia acting in their current capacity.

That is my stance on the invasion. People seem to think otherwise, and maybe that’s why they’re losing the run of themselves when anything is discussed

Yes all his fault. The one who repeatedly called for talks.

The decision to invade and execute total war is on Putin.

Of course you listened to a podcast and discovered John Mearsheimer a few months ago so are still on that buzz.

Obviously. Why are you so hell bent on denying the role of ukraine and the US?

The events of 2014 are clear cut.

  • A Sovereign nations Electoral process was disrupted by Russian meddling.

  • Ukrainian citizens peacefully protested

  • These peacefully protested citizens were barbarically beaten and set upon

  • The Russian leaning cunt of a President flees once his bully boy tactics failed

  • Putin then began raising tensions by training & financing the Separatists

yes. it is a complex political area.

those peaceful protesters were beaten and killed by Ukrainian authorities. Ukrainian people. Russia didn’t do that.

What do you think the Russian people in the South and East of Ukraine should have done when they saw the Government being overthrown?

Under leadership of a Russian placed stooge who lied to the electorate about immediate membership of the EU.

Quit the bullshit ffs

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Why are you trying to label me as something I’m not, what’s wrong in you that you feel you need to do that.

I didn’t comment on who was to blame for the protest killings… Ukrainians killed Ukrainians, who were obviously pro Russian, it’s a massively complex demographic. There is a huge pro Russian element in Ukraine.

The government was overthrown, it was never going to go well after that.

That whole area is a landmine since the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991.