Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

If Putin was in anyway rational he wouldnt have invaded in the first place. The only card he has to play now is a crippling shit show of a winter in Europe. He is trying to play it. But really he has no card’s left to play


Trump :smiley: Come on man

They aren’t going to come out and admit it so proving it’s them is a different story, they have a huge amount to gain if the pipeline is shut down permanently. They won’t publicly piss of their European allies but then this exposes the EU in a way. It’s a disparate group, the US isn’t. That polish politician celebrated the idea of the US blowing it up, others would be disgusted but it’s fractured enough to render any response almost irrelevant.

Question is what does Russia have to gain, drive up prices, but it’s already driving them up. Ruin future profits to maybe further drive them up? Now it can’t ever make money using that pipeline.

If he wanted to further cripple Europe with high gas prices as you suggested he could have nearly hit 2 birds with the one drone so to speak with the shiny new Norwegian - Poland pipeline that was unveiled yesterday and in very close proximity. The story is practically dead in the water now anyway and media have moved on from it which tells its own story. If there was a remote chance they could pin this on Putin they would but even they dont think their audience is that gullible.

Prices were coming down. The EU has stockpiled a serious amount of gas to get them through the winter already. The Russians being cut off from the EU market has forced them to sell cheaper to other markets, which has indirect knock ons lowering the price.

Look the independent thinkers of TFK have their minds made up already. I’m not here to even attempt to change yer minds.

No one knows the truth. But for me, its most likely the Russians. I could be wrong. I was sure the thick cunt wouldn’t invade because the rest has been entirely predictable, so what do I know.


That would be an act of war really. Bombing your own pipeline and blaming the US is a smarter move

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It’s a perfect backdrop to the cunt announcing the Russian Federations newest land grab.

Uniper, Engie etc all financed Nordstream 2. German companys. Indeed Uniper was nationalised last week and is now property of German state and tax payer. How would that be any less an act of war? If they wanted to covertly attack a pipeline and pull it off like they have purportedly done here by some quarters wouldnt they have been able to do the same with the Norwegian - Poland one?

A leak has been caused, not some demolition?

It’s perfect.

Almost too perfect.

By god. The penny has dropped.


Aye. Its not like trump predicted any of this. Its actually laughable to see you support a needless war while holding your nose about trump

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They aren’t going to be selling gas to Europe much longer, that’s gone.

There’s several reasons why they’d do it.

No that would be the message, that they can do that one too if they wanted to.

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Whoever carried it out, it was a great aul double reverse ball hop.

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The person responsible for the war is Putin, not the US or any kind of Proxy war.

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It’s a warning about the fragility of Western Europe’s energy infrastructure.

Now if they attack a North Sea pipeline, we’re a little too close to full blown NATO engagement and possibly nuclear weapons being contemplated.

@Julio_Geordio is a rat.

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It could have been the Ukrainians who did it covertly. They’d mainly be pissing off the Germans if they found out but then the Germans were criticised early on in not doing enough to help Ukraine. And as long as they aren’t upsetting the yanks, which it wouldn’t, then how bad. Wreck Russias chances of coming back to the table quickly with a gas route to Europe. It seems counter productive alright for Russia to do it when they already had it shut off.

It can’t be long now before Putin is poisoned or something similar from within the Kremlin.

China. There I said it.