Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)


Thats victoria nuland. High powered US politician handing out cookies in Kyiv for protestors against the democratically (internationally recognised) government

This is a transcript of a conversation she had about who the US wanted in ukraine, while the internationally recognised government was still ib power

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Cookies? Those capitalist bastards.

You claimed the U.S weren’t involved.

Sarcasm isn’t going to save you from the embarrassment you made of yourself the last few weeks

So you’re saying it’s because of the feminisation of the west?

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You’ve fuck all substance or balls. A few passive aggressive comments and a quick bottom. Fairly pathetic

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Heres an excellent article from back when the guardian was a newspaper. Lads like harry and tim should reflect on where they received their simple narrative from, how little it deviates from the official narrative and why they defend it so resolutely

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Hes the type of fanny that has this country cocking his hole up to all sorts.
Pay no attention

“Reasonable analysis” from a Fox News comedian? You utter dolt.

He’s only rattling off a few obvious facts. Analysis is probably stretching it. You should be capable of analysing what he says without having to lurch to some snobbish dismissal based on fox vs cnn
What exactly is he wrong about?

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Wouldn’t a conservative republican be denying any involvement? A lot of lads are very confused

I totally agree with Dave Smith on the Iraq war. They were invaded over perceived weapons of mass destruction that did not exist by the US and the UK.

Over a million civilians died in that war. The middle east as you know was completely destablized. For what?

Where were your tears for those people?

I haven’t seen one poster on this forum back the invasion of Ukraine. Pull your woke head in.

So an Independent country aren’t entitled to apply for something?

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Applying for membership to an organisation that is anti russian :rofl:… Carry on

Strong reaction there, did bringing up your feminisation of West thesis embarrass you? It should. What’s pathetic is making up your own facts as you go along to support your own small-minded opinions.

I’d say they were worried the Russians might invade them or something. Seems foolish in hindsight alright

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The penny is definitely starting to drop with this lad

Go on about your day as best you can you god helpus

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Very foolish. Installing NATO on Russias door step… Vlad tried to cut a deal with them that he’d provide them billions, would support their EU membership - as long as they relented pursuing nato membership. The US obviously didn’t want Russia controlling the purse strings so they stepped up their IMF input… the rest, as they say, is history.

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Did Putins proxy President not backtrack on his EU membership mandate after his 2013 election victory leading to the Maidan protests?

he was democratically elected pal. You can lie to yourself all you want but it does you no favours

Yanukovych was democratically elected, he was being put under pressure from the East and the West, it was a trade dea with the EU he reneged on (I think), because Russia offered more. In fact he didn’t even close it down completely, he just said what the EU was offering wasn’t enoug

Kyiv didn’t like it and he was overthrown