Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Conflicting reports….

There you have it. The conflict explained in 5 minutes :person_shrugging:t2:

It appears only one side can be correct in your eyes too my learned friend ….

that article you posted doesn’t conflict anything I’ve said. It just chooses to ignore the fact Yanukovych was democratically elected. Now he was a bastard, and he was pro Russian, but Ukraine voted for him in 2010, in the years between then and 2014 a tug of war happened between the EU and Russia and the political landscape changed in the country.

You’re talking about Russian proxies in government and the entirety of the Ukraine is being used to fight a proxy war

I wasn’t replying to you, you flute.

Passive aggressive, bitchy response. Check.

The feminisation of the West ladies and gentlemen or should i say ladies and ladies

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Im not sure how many times i have to say Russia is wrong for invading :person_shrugging:t2:

You have to preface every post with it, it seems

Who has argued anything else ffs.

You have lads finding it hard to simply say that but trying to justify it in roundabout ways.

You have lads being contrary for the sake of it on this topic. It’s as simple as that

He gave them every chance in fairness. Can’t say fairer than that.

No it isn’t.


Again, they aren’t entitled to apply for something?

Russia invaded Ukraine, Ukraine is defending itself. That’s not a proxy war, that’s a war of defence against an aggressor.

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Ok fella you’re dead right. Everything you say on any topic ever is right and shame on anyone thinking otherwise. It’s not like this war has been going on since 2014, that must have been in peoples imaginations. In future can you let me know in advance what i should be thinking or which historical facts i should be ignoring so i don’t have to offend you

Yeah they can. Just like i can apply for membership of the kkk and my black neighbours will be very understanding of my entitlement.

Stop making up facts for start and you’ll be halfway there.

If the Yanks weren’t propping ip that Gangster Zelensky, they would have been finished after a week

If the Yanks didn’t help out the Brits we’d all be speaking German


Their neighbours have been members for years and all good for Russia. The only ones who have encroached on neighbouring territory were Russia itself.