Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Your rhetoric here could have kept the Berlin Wall standing…

Were Pro Communist Eastern Germans badly left down by German reunification?

The removal of Yanukovych was an example of democracy functioning as it should.

Christ, if you can’t get rid of a mass murdering kleptocratic criminal who is out to bring down the country from the inside, you wouldn’t have a democracy remotely worthy of the name.

Several posters here seem to only use the word “democracy” as a shield to try and protect despots.

You’d hope they’re on a wind up but all evidence says they’re just thick as mince.

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what do you think if you ask those questions it looks like I’ve said those things? Go away and shite for yourself

Nail on the head, thousands of Ukrainians were being slaughtered.

I’ve said all along. Peace has to happen. It will too eventually but as things stand the poor fuckers on both lines are being killed for something that ultimately will not benefit them either way.

Its wrong and unfortunately our gaslighting leaders are prolonging it.

Its as simple as that in my view.


Peaceful civilian protest was aggressively targeted. The public wanted a different path to their Pro Russian President and dissented.

Ukrainian nationalist = Bad
Pro Russian Ukrainian separatists = Good

Putin started this, mate.

This started in 2014. You’re well aware of that. Come on.

Peace is the only way.

This is an excellent podcast.

After Maidan, Russia separatists backed by Russian, claimed parts of the East and took control because they saw that Ukraine was leaning to the West and they saw no future there. Russia did exactly what the EU and Nato are doing now, they armed and funded the separatists because it was protecting what Russia sees as their interests, Donbas and Luthansk are industrial regions and are strategically important. That was wrong then and the invasion is even worse, on any international rights level you want to call it wrong on.

But to sit there and ignore other parties influences on this region is just plain fucking naievity or ignorance.

Putin started that.

Yes, Putin began funding organised anti Ukrainian movements on Ukrainian territory.

If the UVF began movements in The Republic to annex border Counties funded by UK government would you like a sit down chat?

Then, it was armed protesters in Maidan Square seizing government buildings and demanding a change of government and constitution. US and European leaders championed the “masked militants” and denounced the elected government for its crackdown, just as they now back the unelected government’s use of force against rebels occupying police stations and town halls in cities such as Slavyansk and Donetsk.

There is no good in war and no good from warmongers. The US would never interfere in Ukraine no way, this is all Putin. Do me a favour

That’s a labour party member I think… so not a conservative etc etc

I’m watching generation kill on Sky for the first time this week.

Great show and it goes to show how fucked up generals are etc.

Diplomacy is the key even if it saves one childs life from a bomb etc.

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You should start a newsletter and call it The Daly EwanMickWallace.

Seumas Milne is bought and paid for by Russia. Another one whose understanding of the world starts at “any enemy of America, any enemy at all, is good”.

Surely diplomacy is the answer though, mate.

Its not a straightforward situation.

Diplomacy only starts once every Russian soldier retreats from Ukraine.

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what about every Ukrainian from the Donbas? That’s what was agreed in Minsk and they wouldn’t do it, neither side retreated

I can’t see that happening unfortunately.

Generation Kill is brilliant.

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