Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

No worries, the Yanks are giving them a new one

Ukraine declaring martial law. Russians have blocked the strait now so no Ukrainian shipping can get through

Russians have essentially mounted a good old fashioned naval blockade on a couple of Ukrainian ports. Seems to be escalating in increments all the time

Crimea is Russian.

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Prepare for serious propaganda on this one

False flag.

Nothing to see here, move along now

Russia used the French Alps as a base camp for planning targetted assassinations throughout Europe

Reporting is by Le Monde


As predictable as an Arsenal collapse in a tricky away game

The US Republicans were talking about doing this as well in recent days

Anybody who doesn’t expect the absolute worst from any of these cunts at every turn is a simpleton


The Russians did it

Simmering away again at the minute

Pathetic from the Ukrainians.

Giving it the biggun then as soon as the Russians square up to them they come crying for help.

They’re just calling on their gallant allies in Europe

I just hope they don’t dishonour their arms with rapine of cowardice.

Ukraine winding the Russians up wonderfully here.

We are all Ukrainian today