Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Deputy Flanagan could bring peace in our time

Was Flannagan the lad who sorted out the North Korea problem ?

Here’s your answer as to whether Russia will stop, though this question has already been answered in the same way many times previously.

There’s no point even discussing the ludicrousness of Lavrov’s trolling “reasoning”.

Lavrov presided over a Russian response to the Salisbury poisonings which contained 35 different versions of the “truth” (copyright of Lionel Hutz real estate).

He is Mr. Information Warfare.

A great man.

Could you post the text of the first article there please. Niall Ferguson is a monumental cunt and Professor For The Glorification Of The Rape And Pillage Of Colonised Peoples, but I suspect I will probably agree with him here in a stopped clock sort of way.

I can’t say I was surprised.

I am quite sure if one looks hard enough, one will find something since last night where Russia implies the opposite.

But like Trump, they’re always lying and yet always telling the truth to you about what it is they want.

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But NordStream 1 still exists.

And NordStream 2 was not going to increase the amount of Russian gas pumped to Europe. It was a geopolitical play to cut out gas transit through Ukraine.

Biden could have forced hands here earlier by guaranteeing Europe’s energy needs as an alternative to Russian gas. They have the energy to sell in America but the climate change cult Biden is beholden to would rather Ukrainians die than America sell its vast resources of non renewables

The Scousers will be delighted. They were squealing like pigs about having to go to Kiev in 2018.

I expect UEFA to do the decent thing tonight and remove all Gazprom advertising in and around the Champions League fixtures.


Kick Chelski out of the league cup final!

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Absolutely- Arsenal stadium is the official name of the emirates on the uefa website such are their strongly held principles

Very interesting nine minute video about how Carlson is Russia’s most vocal fifth columnist in the US.

Pursuant to the reference to ‘The Christmas’ I was mildly tempted to alter the thread title - I resisted, thus far.

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