Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

For the footix lads, do we get a walk over?

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I think thats grossly unfair.

Fuck off with your fancy facts

The entirety of Russian history can be neatly summarised as follows:

“And then things got worse…”


I can’t say for example the Americans have exactly improved in that department as the years roll on…

Are you for real?

Would you ever fuck off and read a book.

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I have read books about Russia. Very good books.

Russia is a rotten culture. It’s a dour, corrupt, chauvinistic, nationalistic (of the worst kind) shithole. That has been in large part due to it being extremely misfortunate in its leaders, but the Russian people cannot completely escape responsibility for buying into the fascist propaganda they are fed, in the same way the people of Nazi Germany could not.


Deary me

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Gun culture in America.
High School shootings.

Look it all up bro


Putin will give a master class in gun culture tonight don’t worry. He’ll put the yanks domestic gun deaths in the ha’penny place before the year is out. Mark my words.

In 1939, Stalin grew tired of tolerating the existence of Finland on the Soviet Union’s western border, so he decided to crush it. In December, 120,000 soldiers, backed up by six hundred tanks and a thousand artillery pieces, readied themselves to invade Finland.

The Finns were unperturbed. Their generals were competent, their borders were fortified, and their people were ready to fight and die for their homeland.

As Russian bombs fell on Helsinki on the 30th of November, and Soviet divisions began crossing the border, a joke began to spread among the Finns. Whether apocryphal or not

“They are so many and our country is so small, where shall we find room to bury them all?”


Up Tipp, fuck cork


What was the beef with little old Finland back then?