Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

On the upside there will be loads of diplomatic receptions going on…


The Swiss are some piece of shit


A country built on Nazi gold sure. You hardly expected better?

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What time does Sleepy Joe get up at?

Micheal Martin had condemned the invasion, no mention of an overarching report yet

Putin with veiled threats of Nuclear reprisals for any country who interferes.

Ukraine were fairly gormless to hand back their nuclear arsenal to Russia in 1994.

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That champagne celebration that the lads had for winning a seat on the United Nations Security Council - let’s see what they do with it now.


This is the first major war of the social media age.

This is also the first time we have had a major war in Europe in over a quarter of a century.

Everybody can see what is happening.

The feeling of powerlessness is, well, overpowering.

Very soon there will be a deafening swell of public opinion in the west, against the west standing idly by like in 1938. Sanctions are not likely to mollify western public opinion.

This is an exceptionally dangerous situation.

Prevention was always better than cure. It was far easier to go in to prevent a war than it is now, after the event. It’s basically impossible now.

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No, that’s the way it is normally…

Phew! At least he still has coverage.

This could be over very quickly - Russians assault helicopters at Kiev airport

Ukraine seem to be putting up no resistance

You’d imagine regime change is coming and Russia will be isolated economically from Western World (except the Swiss)

Eh, Iraq?

Maureen and Fionnuala will not stand idly by, that’s for sure.

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The Iraq War happened in the television age, not the social media age.

How could you trust a report from a man named Dimitri

Sanctions are pretty pointless in this case.

We’ve an expert in the effect, or as he claims, the non-effect of sanctions here.

Trust TFK to throw up a few of them.

In the short term they are not going to achieve anything. Over medium term they can destroy the Russian economy.

The effective sanctions would be to root out all the hidden Ruskie money in London.

But as they say in the wire;