Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you’ll live… at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin’ to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take… OUR FREEDOM!

We all end up dead, it’s just a question of how and why.

… envisage meme of that woman spitting out her coffee

And we have a few of those embarrassments representing Ireland in Brussels as MEPs. :man_facepalming:

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Yes sanctions have effected regime change in Iran, Iraq, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea. Every reason to believe they will work work against Russia.

For something that they’ve claimed they knew was happening for months the Ukrainian defence seems incredibly weak.

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You tell me what you suggest, so.

Did you suggest western troops on the ground in the run up to this? Western air support?

The Oligarchs and more international dimension of Russia changes that a bit, no?

The notion that these oligarchs will leave all of their funds in jurisdictions where they can be got at is pretty innocent.

The Cork fullback line put up more resistance last August.


A lot of people with very difficult decisions to make,
I suspect that if something like this happened in Ireland 50 years ago the vast majority of fit young men would defend the country, nowadays it’s probably below 5%, i notice that your poll suggests otherwise but…


Troops on the ground or a similar military solution is the only solution that will turn back the Russians. That won’t happen and the rest of the world will sit on their hands and tolerate regime change or whatever Putins end game is here while clapping themselves on the back for imposing “severe” sanctions.


Not saying that. They clearly have prepared (Abramovich has a few passports) and the Swiss (for example) acting the cunt complicates that, but I don’t think it’s accurate to compare Russia to those other countries either.

I’d agree that in isolation they probably won’t work. For Putin to get a real bloody nose, this conflict needs to be prolonged. War is expensive and those currency and gold reserves he has need to be hit hard.

I didn’t see you suggesting troops on the ground beforehand.

The vast majority of fit young Irish men jumped up and down and made warlike noises here after Bloody Sunday and burned down the British Embassy. And then they went quietly back to work and forgot about the British Army.

I don’t post my every single waking thought here.


Who said you have to. It would have been a very obvious thing to post, if you actually believed it.

Now you’re Johnny wise after the event.

The only thing that will provoke regime change in Russia is this conflict becoming a drain on the country like Afghanistan. However I can’t see that happening.

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The geopolitical equivalent of aftertiming.

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We’re officer class here is the only explanation

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Tis’ easy be a pretend soldier on the INTERNET. Most sane people would want to avoid warfare and conflict. John Redmond and the Volunteers wouldn’t get any traction these days, and rightly so.