Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

You’re not asking anything. You’re dressing up a stupid accusation and passing it off as an innocent question. There’s no coherent response to that bullshit

If Gemma O’Doherty tried to do an impression of Kevin McAleer, @glenshane is what you’d get.

Your gemma obsession is quite bizarre. How many times have you mentioned her on the forum? It must be thousands at this stage

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You continue to ignore the point that Ukraine was peaceful enough before Putin’s proxy presidential candidate fled.

Now, you can argue that Western meddling ousted him or that he broke promises of EU integration and lost his mandate to lead.

You can argue he was only a Putin puppet also.

But, I think it’s a fair question to ask then how anyone can blame Neo Nazi elements which accordingly were tiny in support much like most of those factions throughout Europe for the issues which ensued.

There was no large scale bloodshed before Putin armed elements and sent in mercenaries to lead fighting.

I’m slightly bemused you can shoot down my line of questioning without offering what I ask for which is some proof otherwise.

It’s like ‘The Third Policeman’ without the funny bits

I respectfully disagree again. You’d believe anything. You consistently repeat things that aren’t true and espouse viewpoints that are just basic disinformation. You swallow any old guff as long as it’s what you think is counter to the mainstream and parrot it back and somehow think you’re being smart because you’re saying something “different”. I mean for a fella who likes to think of himself as some sort of free thinker you’re taken in by extremely basic stuff, you’re as gullible as they come.


I’m throwing that a like. I love a good hissy fit.

Strange move using these weapons inside their own country

Ukraine’s social media game is top notch


Go on the Brits

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Clever chap Ben

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Ukraine seem to have launched a counter offensive on the outskirts of Bakhmut, with the apparent aim of trying to out flank the Russians and encircle the town.

Zelensky said they weren’t ready for the counter offensive yesterday. I was thinking it was starting soon when he said that

The man should be an actor


They have launched loads of minor counter-offensives around Bakhmut recently.

You could literally call anything a counter-offensive these days.
I’m not terribly well informed but I’m assuming that st joe biden is desperately praying that enough Ukrainians can put off being slaughtered until he is reelected in 2024, by which time they will have exhausted any utility

This lad is going to get fucked out of a window.

I love the boiling seethe in her face at the end :joy: