Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

You’re doing a lot of deflecting away from neo-nazis and Ukrainian military.

You’re just showing yourself to be completely agenda driven without one shred of sincerity.

It’s very simple. If you’re so worried about Nazism start with your own movement.

It seems you’ve zero intention of rooting out the celebration of Nazism from Irish nationalism. An absolute hypocrite.

Mick Wallace and Clare Daly are happy to associate with Hitler lovers.

Russia’s entire modus operandi as a regime is the same as the Nazis and Russia is the spiritual fatherland of neo-Nazism.

So why don’t you have an issue with neo-nazism and Ukrainian military. You are spouting their propaganda on here on a daily basis. Surely you’d be horrified at some of the people involved with them.

One thing I certainly am not is a hypocrite. I am happy to defend my position on anything whereas you attacks and smear anyone who has a different opinion to you, merely because you are compromised by your hypocrisy and complete lack of any moral compass.

You are a right wing nutbag.

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You’re a hypocrite and also pro-Nazi.

That’s not true. There’s been plenty of articles in the media about them, a quick Google will throw up plenty of info for you. My understanding is the problematic group was a militia that battled against the russian occupiers in eastern Ukraine. When Russia fully invaded last year the militia were subsumed into the Ukrainian military, as in it became part of it nominally, but they still operated independently. It’s not a widespread problem across Ukraine or its military. I’d say it’s likely most of them are dead now. Of course they’re a gift for Russia and their disinformation tactics of course who can point to them and say they’re denazifying all of Ukraine. What do you think yourself?

Mad how @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy has suddenly turned all pro-Israel.

This is completely false allegations and shows your character.

When I’ve raised the issue of Ukrainian military, the neo-nazi elements in it and the complete burying of this very unsettling issue you refuse to address it and go around making completely baseless, irrelevant and vicious allegations designed to smear the person who you disagree with and deflect away from the issue raised.

I’m happy to debate the issue, you’re happy to play the part of a hate-filled fascist.

This bogeyman tactic you use is right out of the far right playbook, dare your false allegations challenged, you will smear and put false labels on anyone who will challenge. I won’t be conversing with you anymore.

You are a very nasty, deeply unhappy racist.

This is an example of hate-speech.

Since when do you support Israel, mate?

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I think the denazification thing is Russian propaganda and they too probably have neo-nazi elements but not to the same degree as with Ukraine. Ukraine don’t help themselves though, they don’t distance themselves from it, in fact the opposite, the tweet last week from the official Ukrainian dept of defence was incredible, would you not agree?

I think the depth of neo-nazism is a lot bigger than you make out with regards to their military and I have never seen any distancing from Zelensky or the Ukrainian regime.

I am happy to be corrected on the coverage of it but I just think it would be helpful if Zelenksy or western leaders distanced themselves from and roundly condemned these neo-nazi groupings.

This will be my last post with you to clear this up but when I ask relevant questions to you this is the type of completely baseless, fabricated and scurrilous attacks I receive merely to deflect away from your right wing double standards?

Low level trolling responses but zero actual condemnation of neo-nazis.

Russia is basically a Nazi state.

In terms of neo-nazis in the war, more have travelled to fight with Russia than Ukraine. There’s plenty of evidence of this.

I don’t know what tweeting you’re on about.

Why do you think the depth of neo-nazism is bigger than I make out? What are you basing that on? I’d be interested in information you have to support that assertion.

Ukraine has been fighting for its life against Russia. The militia with neo Nazi links has been part of that fight. An uncomfortable there but I don’t think it should be overblown.

Putin is a modern day hitler lads.

You’re using the exact same tactics as Israel, Gemma. It’s absolutely hilarious.

You’re the most transparently disingenuous and hypocritical poster on here and you always have been.

But keep shouting utter nonsense by all means.

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I haven’t see any evidence of it. I think the opposite is true.

Certainly in the Western World, far right support seems to all be with Ukraine. The left have been demonised in the parliaments across the world, including Ireland as “Puppets of Pupin” for their approach.

This. Do you find that incredible? They left it up for 3 days before finally deciding to delete it despite thousands of people highlighting the Nazi insignia.


Because of the level of coverage and pictures of Ukranian soldiers with Nazi isignia on them, coming from official Ukrainian accounts and publications, the complete indifference from Zelenksy and the Ukrainian regime to them.

Should it not be though? If it’s not then how can you argue they’re any better than Russia, it feeds right into the propaganda Russia have been pedalling. Are Ukraine a Nazi state too?

Sure, Tucker.

Why do you think the opposite is true? That is incorrect.

I don’t know where you’re getting far right support being with Ukraine. The far right is with Russia, Russia has funded and encouraged the far right across the world. In the US for example.

A problematic tweet was left up for three days? That really is appalling isn’t it? I condemn it utterly. Anyway.

How can you argue Ukraine is any better than Russia? That’s just a bit silly isn’t it?

TFK Gemma would spend a whole afternoon furiously arguing today isn’t Friday, but Tuesday.

Where did i say i got ‘my information’ from two russian commentators? What part of “i dont accept or expect to believe everything” didn’t you understand?

Based on substance. You haven’t provided anything to support it. I can tell you for a fact that far right loyalism is in tow with Ukraine. The British far right are completely in tow with Ukraine. The far right in Ireland are in tow with Ukraine, that lad who was on Joe Duffy and RTE news after returning from the front line was another with links to the far right.

Where’s your substance? Just repeating your own opinions with nothing to support them makes you incorrect and certainly will do nothing to influence the views of an intelligent person.

I’m quite willing to take on board things of substance that actually support your position though but they have not been put forward yet.

I was contending a small issue here on Ukraine and neo-nazi links. You disagree, I respect that.