Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

The point being the Trumps and the Farages like the murdering opponents aspect.

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Has anyone blamed Trump yet?


Trump would’ve brough Vlad out to Fuck Island and asked him what he needed all this hassle for. Same as he did with the North Korean fella.

I wonder why Putin and Trump are best buds.

Putin wouldn’t need asking twice alright

Dictatorial systems, systems run on the basis of fear and absolute power, they breed paedophiles. Lavrentiy Beria who organised the Katyn massacre and was chief of the NKVD under Stalin was a notorious paedophile.

There’s a whole bizarre sexual undercurrent to dictatorship, the cult of the leader and especially fascism. An extremely unhealthy one. One that eulogises rape and paedophilia and sexual violence in general. It cloaks this by feigning moral panics over paedophilia and accusing anybody it doesn’t like of being a paedophile while ignoring the stench of it in its own ranks. Lozza Fox is a good example. Elon Musk. Donald Trump and Trumpism in general. The nonsense Pizzagate conspiracy theory.

Everything they accuse others of is a confession.


Seems to have been an awful tragedy. Putin must have got an awful shock when he got the news


What’s hilarious (in a really dark way) is that someday, one of these opposition lads is actually gonna die of natural causes. And poor Putin will get the blame

“One of these opposition lads”.

How many of these “opposition lads” have there been?

There was Navalny, Boris Nemtsov, and Vladimir Kara-Murza. They’re about the only three major opposition figures who took the fight to Putin inside Russia. Mikhail Khodorkovsky for a short while before he was locked up. Sergei Magnitsky only became known internationally after being murdered in prison. Anna Politkovskaya and Alexander Litvinenko only became known internationally after being murdered.

Prigozhin wasn’t real opposition and anyway he was merely a fool.

Kara-Murza is the only opposition figure within Russia of any profile who remains alive and he’s locked up and will probably meet the same fate as Navalny.

Putin murders with impunity.

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Yeah one of them

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Russia’s Lord Haw Haw:

“Leadership requires killing people”

Carlson is a genocidal piece of human excrement

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Gonzalo Lira

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Strange that blonken, biden etc have all issued stern statements about a russian racist dying in a russian jail, but not a word about an American journalist dying in a Ukrainian jail…still, it’s not as if zelensky owes joe a favour etc


“Journalist” :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Not good

Some debacle- zaluzhny said they hadn’t a hope of defending the city. Zelensky apponts a yes man with a track record of losing battles and sending thousands to their deaths. Rinse and repeat.
I wouldn’t be surprised if zelensky and syrsky are gone within a week

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Poor man is fucked now with that seal of approval

He needs to take you on as chief strategist…he never should have listened to @glasagusban’s two week predictions

Has the spring offensive started yet?

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