Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Head of Wagner claims they were shelled by the Russian army. It is on

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That can only be good news for Ukraine.

For sure. Leave them at it and clean up the mess afterwards

Russia invading them I’d say.
So hard to trust anything in relation to this conflict but are Wagner moving against Putin? Or throwing a dummy manoeuvre? Russian tv hacked as well.

The scrap of all scraps: Rocky IV, US v USSR, just finished on ITV1 (Britain) via the firestick (Naples, IT/Bucharest, Romania) in my Dublin (IRE) sitting room that’s now littered in beer (Germany) cans.

Hidings have been meted out and fiercely received. Pain shared either side. Enough. Will ye shake hands lads, will ye shake hands?

Sly gifted us the blueprint 30 odd years ago. Queue the power ballad and credits to take it from here.

Don’t let Apollo’s loss be in vain.

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A busy night out east.

The Rebels have taken Rostov

Wagner mercenaries were due to sign up as russian soldiers in early july, according to my sources

Could you lady bird this for me

Csi Vegas GIF by CBS

There’s something not right in this. What’s Wagners end game here?

Cc: of @Tierneevin1979 @artfoley @glenshane


Who’s feeding and paying these guys is what I want to know.

All I can see ahead is a load of looting and rioting and nobody able to restore calm.

The soldiers on the front must be scratching their heads and wondering about their families back home.

Hopefully Russia descends into bloody chaos.

Putin was using mercanaries to fight his wars for him. Originally they were ex pros sent in to fight for him. Later they included a lot of prisoners rounded up from cells.
The lad running them was a mate of Putin. He used to own Putin’s favourite restaurant in Moscow and from there has been elevated to an oligarch and then the head of Putin’s mercenary army. Putin used his army for actions in Syria and Africa as it gave him a bit of deniability.
Then in Ukraine they were basically the best troops he had available and the only battle hardened and combat ready. So he used them.
The never ending shitshow that has been the war for the Russians has meant someone needs to be blamed.
Putin was setting up the Wagner lads for the fall as they in theory are not under his control like the military.
Prigozhin (Putin’s chef) was also becoming very famous and a threat to Putin’s power. I mean the problem with giving someone an army is…
Putin sent them in Bakhmut to be ground up basically. He wanted to weaken them as much as he wanted to weaken the Ukrainians. Supposedly he stopped giving them ammo and shit ages ago. Perhaps seeing what was coming.
Prigozhin saw the setup coming from miles away and has been very clever using social media to speak against the Russian military. Never Putin, just the military are useless cunts etc. He was basically trying to keep super public to keep himself alive.
He pulled Wagner out of Bakhmut a few weeks ago because they weren’t being armed and were being used as grist for the mill.
Since then he’s basically been operating outside of Putin. Supposedly he was hiding out in a forest.

Yesterday he released a video slating everyone.
Then he alleged their camp was shelled (others say that was a fake video he was using for justification)
Last night he marched on Rostov one of the biggest cities in Russia. They seem to control it now.
Supposedly he was 25k with him. He says the Russian military have basically let him travel unopposed. They’ve been sent to stop him but haven’t.

Putin can crush this, but will need to bring troops from Ukraine back which has obvious implications. Putin supposedly still has popular support according to polls etc. But I doubt it really. He is primed to be ousted.

Prigozhin is a cunt as well so it won’t make much odds to the West who is in charge. But it’s obviously good news for Ukraine. It’s actually the cleanest way to end the war because they can’t nuke themselves.


Do they have many long knives in Russia?