Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Putin must have found a couple of billion down the back of the couch to get the account up to date.

Wtf ?

The lads who switched sides must be delighted :joy:

Wagner out.


Prighozin is moving to Belarus

The people want them

What a fuckin rat. Heā€™s sentenced loads of his supporters to death just to save his own skin. I donā€™t know what the world is coming to when you canā€™t trust a hot dog selling, billionaire mercenary.

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Yevgeny Potemkin

He wonā€™t last a week.

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He has been given cast iron security guarantees by Putin.

If you cannot believe Vladimir Putinā€™s word, what can you believe?

Shocking sad to hear about Prigozhinā€˜s unfortunate death from falling out a window tomorrow morning

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Can update us on whatā€™s happening now? And @Julio_Geordio

Some sort of deal was reached between the Chef and the Chief. The chef is a fucking eejit to make it because heā€™s brown bread now. But he still feels a loyalty to Putin for making him and it was never against him really. He was just afraid for his life.

Supposedly heā€™s gone to live with Lukashenko in Belarus :joy:

Lukashenko was a couple of days from being toppled himself, he was gone as soon as Putin was so heā€™s happy out to make any kind of deal.

Putin the same Iā€™d say he was well rattled.

The dye has been cast. Putin knows it. Iā€™d say Wallace must be shitting it

I see Zelensky has suspended 11 political parties in Ukraine and is now also postponing the presidential election. So much for the narrative of fighting for democracy & freedom. :rollseyes:

Presidential election in the middle of a fucking war? How dense are you exactly? Also I see nothing about him recently suspending 11 political parties, besides the Ruscist ones he got rid of last year.


I wouldnā€™t fancy door to door canvassing in a war zone.


The main opposition had 44 seats and were elected by people in eastern Ukraine. Clearly he wants to regain territory but its obvious that he has nothing but contempt for the people there
He also ordered the eviction of russian orthodox priests, despite their opposition to the invasion

SF seem to manage it fine in Finglas and Tallaght

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No need for canvas door to door, can be done electronically if needed. Ballot can be postal, job done.