Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

You’re some gobshite :smile:

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The 15 minute rule is really fucking @gaillimhmick here. He can’t post for another 13 minutes but he’s furiously banging away.

In fairness to Zelensky, Germany didn’t have an election from the late 30s to mid 40s either. Plough on.

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If they don’t have one soon, there will nothing left for the Ukranians.

Will be funny when Ukraine retake Bakhmut in a fraction of time Russia took to take it.

I thought this Nato puppet Zelensky would have more to worry about than cows farting

300k dead at this stage and barely a word about them…there’s a good chance Ukraine will bomb the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear station in a final attempt to draw nato into direct conflict with russia, meanwhile we’re supposed to believe the environment is a priority


It would certainly make you think. And I think a lot about it myself. War is so wasteful. Last
thing on peoples mind is reduce, reuse, recycle.

What’s she going to say?

Volodymyr, would you ever stop sending those drones. They’re an awful waste. Wouldn’t you send a manned craft instead. He can fly multiple missions. And sure if he’s killed, isn’t that one less person eating meat? And can you tell all your soldiers to set their guns to manual fire, not automatic.

I’d say it’ll be a brief enough meeting.

It’s to take the badd look off bombing the plant, wait and see

Ya if someone blows up the nuclear power station on Ukrainian soil it will definitely be the Ukrainians. Just like they blew up that dam that stopped them crossing the river.

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You mean the dam they’d shelled a few months earlier and which one of their generals recommended destroying…?

Ya that one. That the Russians admitted to mining. What exactly do you think the Ukrainians used to blow the dam that would hinder their advance and why exactly do you think they would want to do that?


You think Ukraine wants a Nuclear incident on their territory?

Something something “but NATO!”

Wagner alive and kicking.

The Russians are just sticking random shit together.


I made that out of Lego when I was 6

Fine job. Necessity and all that.

A lot of chatter about a false flag operation