Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

I wonder is the penny dropping for Zelensky yet

AI generated an image ā€˜from his Kiev bunker upon his return from the wasted trip to Vilniusā€™

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Benā€™s a bit sore that he didnā€™t get the nato gig


I sometimes wonder how mentally and physically fatigued Zelenskyy might be behind the scenes. A career writing comedy can only prepare you so much for a prolonged war effort.


Heā€™s like me at the first coffee break at a work conference.


Sniffer Biden is upping the stakes with others lives again

Thatā€™s his job.
To protect and serveā€¦.

Heā€™s an absolutely horrific piece of work, and heā€™s surrounded himself with some of the most dangerous, calculating and deluded people on the planet. Heā€™ll watch the world burn rather than let himself and his degenerate son be held to account
250k dead Ukrainians and counting. Youā€™d hate to see what it would look like if he hadnā€™t had their back.

1968 US pop 200m

Vietnam US lost 58k over 5 years

Ukraine pop 47m

UN state 50k Ukrainian dead in 1 year

Thatā€™s 20x relative to US in Vietnam

The un are lying through their teeth. 250k is a conservative estimateā€¦it could well be 350k with the russians yet to get started

ā€œAnd the Russians yet to get started.ā€ Almost two years and clowns still coming out with this shit.

Youā€™d wonder when theyā€™ll get started at this stage.

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You wonder about the gymnastics going on here or has dumdum just honestly mixed up biden and Putin. Bizarre mental stuff.

They went in without much of an army, thinking ( correctly) that theyā€™d enough to force Ukraine to the negotiating table. When biden/Johnson hijacked the peace agreement the russians retreated or were forced from positions they couldnā€™t hold, they then went about building and arming an army- most of them havenā€™t been involved so far. Donā€™t mention it.
Itā€™s lads like yourself and julio whoā€™ve been consistently wrong, partisan and childish. Julio cites Victoria nuland press releases as impartial information, you may as well be reading teen vogue

Hereā€™s the emotionally overwrought teen vogue reader who assured us that the russians would collapse within a fortnight, that was several months agoā€¦


You keep repeating that but Iā€™ve no memory of saying any such thing and you wonā€™t quote the post. Then again, most of your contributions here are figments of your imagination.

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Most? :grin:

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Ah thatā€™s great mate. And when are they going to spring the army then? Year 3 of the war? Year 4?

The real army hasnā€™t even been born yet

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Youā€™ve no memory of it but you wonā€™t chance denying it?