Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Any lad going on about Biden’s son is full of shit.

The new one for fruit loops of Shaney’s ilk is that the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing was a fake.

That’s right. The bidens haven’t been involved in criminality in ukraine, joe didn’t withhold US aid until the Ukrainian state prosecutor was fired…even though he boasted about it, snd even though the same prosecutor was part of an investigation into the bidens.

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Shaney will have a hard time spinning this one.

Sure most of what he believes is disinformation.

Russia vs Ukraine is senior hurling


But you’re only allowed one possession every fifteen minutes…

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This would be a decent ‘starter’ article for the imbeciles cheering on the slaughter.

It’s remarkable how a certain breed of NI Catholic has gone all in on fascist imperialism in a way which would make the Parachute Regiment in Derry on Bloody Sunday look like Mary Poppins by comparison.

Talk about a two fingers to your own history.

I can see the African nations uniting and taking up arms in this war.

Russian is about to bear the full brunt of the Mozambique national army, I’d say they are seriously worried

They’re going to blow vuvuzela‘s into their ears until they submit.


All they need do is round up a couple of hundred boats and block the Bosporus Strait and Suez canal.
You’d see the temperatures rising around the world then.
No need to pick up a gun at all. They have the bodies…

The ivans are only getting started, they have dug in and mined the whole of Donbass and south east Ukraine, where is the famous counter offense the Ukraine keep banging on about? The Ukraine has limited manpower and are getting destroyed, the Russians can keep this going forever with cannon fodder

I see this fella is out of a job.

Sleepy joe said no

It was never going to rain again a month ago but after a month solid of rain it’s back to the grain and world hunger.


The Ukraine special forces have lost 87% of their original strength, the Ukraine is desperate and is now forced to press gang anyone of military age, Spetsnaz are going to kick arse

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Varadkar is abroad in Ukraine. The usual suspects will be hopping.

I suppose he’s volunteering his medical services again, or is just for the photo opportunity?