Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

You sticking to this good vs evil, big bad putin shtick? How twee

I fully expect @glenshane’s family will be the first to sue the GAA over CTE.

Its over for the Ukraine, they have lost, time for Biden to call it, another catastrophic American failure

An excellent discussion. This would be a terrific primer for the intellectually curious, but entirely oblivious lads like @glasagusban and @BruidheanChaorthainn
You gotta start somewhere.
Discussion of the current conflagration starts at 42 minutes

Zelensky now warning about the possibility of a putin led 2023 maidan type coup, to end his universally popular presidency. Meanwhile ministers are being sacked, the head of the Ukrainian military narrowly avoids assination (after talking stalemate), and professional recruitment agents/press gangs are being recruited to press eager volunteers into military service.
Could @glasagusban, @carryharry or any of our other forum experts predict how and when this will end?


Disappointing lack of detail. Could you flesh it out a bit?

Tomorrow or sometime after that?

That’s cute, though less loquacious than we’re used to.
Im genuinely curious as to how this will be spun. I dont see russia negotiating any time soon, but if an agreement can be reached it’ll be along the lines stated by @glenshane at the outset. In which case i forsee you being fed the line that this is a points victory for Ukraine, as it has retained approximately 70% of its territory. Would you fellas buy this?

What’s the death toll at now for Ukraine ? I take no pleasure on being right on this…the yanks and tans are some cunts for pushing for this war then scuppering a peace deal.


500k is probably a conservative estimate at this stage. Withinin the past week a kiev official was quoted as saying the number was north of 1.2 million…the statement was withdrawn shortly afterwards.

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Soldiers or civilians?


Russia’s military casualties, the officials said, are approaching 300,000. The number includes as many as 120,000 deaths and 170,000 to 180,000 injured troops. The Russian numbers dwarf the Ukrainian figures, which the officials put at close to 70,000 killed and 100,000 to 120,000 wounded.

Couple months out of date but gives a more realistic account.

Read back over articles from the ny times/guardian for the last year and tell me where exactly they have been realistic. One lie after the other.

Quality. Up there with the with the time some lad here was telling people to go back and study performances in a friendly football match from 20 years ago.

I dont see the comparison. These buffoons have been citing the guardian and ny times since the war started. Russians deserting, fighting with spades, the battle of Ukraine, mobile crematoriums, putin coup, victory in bakhmut, zelensky is churchill, ww2 tanks, the glorious counter-offensive, superior western technology, snake island, the ghost of kiev …and…it’ll be over in a fortnight.
And dont forget all the beautiful women soldiers fighting and smiling in a winter wonderland.
A case study in propaganda

Good documentary on rte, Putin v the west. They’ve just ran through the build up to and the 2014 invasion. Interviews with loads of the top politicians and advisors. Available on playback.