Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Amazing how the great unwashed public can be led about by the nose and told to think one thing one week and then the opposite thing the next.
I wonder what the Ukrainian public now think of zelenskyā€™s decision to reject a peace agreement which would have saved hundreds of thousands of livesā€¦

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According to opinion polls: fight until war is won 60%, zelenskyy approval ratings 81%.

I suppose thats why hes cancelled elections and banned opposition parties?

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An election in Ukraine would be an unusual occurrence in the current situation Iā€™d have thought, but thereā€™s no doubt that heā€™d sail it in any case,

This is the new stick to beat him with by the Putineers??

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Aye, the wives and mothers of half a million dead Ukrainians will just fall over themselves to vote for the man who chose biden over a peace agreement

More stupidity and made up numbers.

Why dont you or @backinatracksuit tell us what the correct numbers are? You both claim to be well informedā€¦

81% approval rating is what I read above
But mainly it would be a strange move to call an election right now, I mean thatā€™s not rocket science, even a moron like me can understand that :man_shrugging:

Sure look do we take Putins approval rating seriously too? I take any poll outside of the ballot box with a pinch of salt, in any country for that. Not saying he is popular in Ukraine either. I wouldnt be surprised if yourman in isreal has an increase in popularity atm

I think weā€™re pretty safe in assuming that Putins popularity ratings if published are less kosher than Zelenskys.
But again, is this an appropriate time for election in Ukraine?

Oh i agree, praise putin or off to jail.

Giving the circumstances it would be mental to hold an election in ukraine. Its a strange stick to beat him with by folks who sre against him. Not a fan of his myself but its a correct call

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There was one held in eastern Ukraine a couple of months ago

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Thatā€™s very interesting, howā€™d it go?

Youā€™re some plank :rofl:

Went ok. Few technical glitches when the polling stations were shelledā€¦

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Hitler had a great approval rating at one stage too

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Thomas Brady wasnā€™t far wrong in fairness.


He was/is but it doesnā€™t change the wrongs Putin has done to Ukraine & his own people/country in doing this.

Iā€™ve been calling for peace since the start mate. Its the only sensible outcome.

Get an agreement in place through diplomacy. Sit them down. Sending hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to death which seems the current and open ended approach is absolute madness.

Their counter offensive is a failure.