Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

You’d have to question the constant stream of these claims being leaked now… Are the US now ready for peace talks i wonder.

Theyll hold out until after its announced that Biden isnt running next year, or use it as an excuse a lot of money sent over and Joes young fella has been at dodgey dealings in Ukraine for years. Not saying Joe is directly involved but he surely was aware of what young hunter was at.


I forgot the Inverted commas

You’ve called the Russia Ukraine situation beautifully, along with covid. An enviable record. The lads swallowing the regime propaganda, of course, are dumbfounded by this turn of events. They’ll get the next download soon enough though.


Ah it’s ok, Shur you weren’t saying it :joy::joy:

My sources in Washington have confirmed that a russian government jet has recently returned to russia following exploratory talks. Essentially the US is looking for an off ramp. Basically russia will take about 30% of what recently became Ukraine…i predict that this will be sold as a 70% victory for kiev.
Zelensky’s future looks very uncertain

This forum badly needs a separate section for the Trumpbots and Gallowaybots and Gemmabots and Qbots to talk among themselves.

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You’ve called all this from day 1 :clap::clap::clap:

@Thomas_Brady was another lad who saw through the propaganda.
Boys but there was some fury piled upon anyone who dared to question ‘the narrative’

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Same shite with covid, all these lefty headbangers have serious egg on their face again, you were right from Day 1 on this aswell


I did my own research

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Pressure getting to the lad?

I see rhe russians have murdered an outspoken critic of the putin regime, an American citizen being held in a russian prison. Be interesting to see how joe reacts


Pretty much

Red Rover. Victory to Vlad

Has it been confirmed that he’s seeking peace talks? Could he not hold on until @glasagusban 's counter offensive is finished?

This will end in a negotiated settlement

Falling for disinformation again?