Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Thats absolutely disgraceful. Good to see money being well spent

Do you need help?

Beyond that point I’d say pal.

I see the Ukrainians are drafting wimmin now. I’d say he’s delighted

Where will the partition lines be drawn?

Kharkiv to Kherson is some chunk of land to give up… It’s also a poor return from Putin’s point of view when you consider what Russia has lost.

I think odessa will be the final battle, if a deal cant be reached

This is how it stands now.

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Just cost the 300k casualties, a good half its tanks and armoured vehicles and becoming an international pariah for all powerful mother Russia to take that chunk out of Ukraine. And its hold on Crimea is much weaker than before the invasion, it can’t even park ships there any more. Bravo Putin :clap:t3:

If only the Ukrainians had surrendered and let Russia take over the whole country like the lads on here suggested.


Mate we have bigger issues at home. Ignore this local squabble.

Fire up the post there…name the lads

The edgelord position

It was putins plan all along to enter a near two year conflict

Losing half his army’s vehicles will free up so much parking space. And the 300k casualties will save a fortune on the wage bill. It’s all going to plan.

This was obvious at the start.

Putin’s objective is to sow as much chaos in the west in any way he can, through whatever source, no matter what the human cost. The guy is severely underrated in a list of history’s greatest bastards.

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Putin, Putin, Putin…

Another loss to sleepy joe and the american military industrial complex

The weapons industry is a major winner, much of the hundreds of billions being spent is being paid directly to weapons manufacturers in the US. Nato has a few new members to arm and vlad has demonstrated that patriot missiles and leopard tanks are a bit shit and will have to be replaced. Nuclear arms treaties are no longer valued and a new arms race looks like a glorious possibility.
It’s been a PR own goal for the west and a needless tragedy for Ukraine, the world is a more dangerous and expensive place, but i doubt that joe even understands or cares about any of this

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Aren’t many US pension funds invested in the weapons industry,?