Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Fair play.

You’ll be ready for a serious book on him and Russia soon.

Sounds like a balloon ready to burst, to me.

Polish building houses for more Polish to come into the country, to build more houses for more Polish, until we ran out of Polish or something like that…

I hear there’s a few Moldovans around.

That’s ok,
They’re not in the EU…

When is the Tucker Putin interview scheduled, @glenshane any idea?

My sources in the kremlin say 6pm this evening…not sure which time zone though

BBC News - Zelensky sacks Ukraine’s commander-in-chief

Well everything happens 6pm somewhere

6 pm eastern…11pm here

Jaysus. We’re getting a history lesson…fifteen minutes in and were still focusing on the crucial period of 1152 to 1654. Tucker is feigning interest while wobbling on his chair.

Tucker looks like he’s desperately holding in an enormous fart.

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Vlad doesn’t know what to make of him

Nice to hear Bismark referenced there

He does alright. Definition of a useful idiot

Vlad has his measure now, we’re also on familiar territory, which helps.

Vlad cited the polish persecution of the Ukrainians as motivation for their nazi allegiances. If anything the Ukrainians welcomed the nazis because of how they’d been treaded by the soviets. Other than that putin has been playing with a straight bat here.
But im off to bed. Keep them Christian laz

Putins general point there was that all nations were culpable back then. Its a fair arguement.

Be that as it may it was his actions, and his alone, that sparked the current, and utterly pointless, war.
Even his nodding dogs such as Tucker cannot alter that try as they might

Oicke maith, give my love to the bees

Trump was 11/10 a few mins ago on PP.

Will be 4/7 tomorrow

Was all a ruse. He’s being withdrawn from the race.

Seismic night in the modern history of the world.

Tucker and Putin and weak Joe.