Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Thatā€™s nice, neat and easy phrase to throw in there. Itā€™s also dishonest.


Lol, shakes head, the internet


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Putin is some man for a long debate, he has some stamina, remember that 5 hour one a few months back

In fairness to @Lazarus heā€™s not a coward hiding behind a hidden profile :clap:

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Are you calling me a coward?

Youā€™d love to see him go up against @Nembo_Kid.

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Unrale. Tucker sitting there wondering ā€œwhat else has he got on meā€

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Everything. Heā€™s got, everything.

And Iā€™d say Tucker has a fair few secrets

Iā€™d say heā€™s more concerned about what the cia have on him

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An interesting interviewā€¦ He more than hinted throughout that Russia (still);wants in to the golden circle on an equal footing but the US doesnā€™t want them involved in world security, ie the big bad Americans are the cause of everythingā€¦ little old Russia just wanted to be friends. Thereā€™s certainly truth to that back in the 90s but Russia has long gone its own direction.
He basically called US presidents lame ducks with no powerā€¦ That the CIA and the likes dictate to the US president what they can and canā€™t be do. Was this a dirty dig at the weakling Americans or just another pedestal for Vlad the powerful? Probably both.
He knew what Tucker had for breakfast back in 2002. Another flex that spooked Tucker.
He also gave a great history lecture of the wider region that was fascinating.

More than a few jabs thrun at @balbec also, i donā€™t think he has much love for the Poles.

I must listen to the end of it. I presume he downs some vodka and wrestles with a bear?


Thisā€™ll be droll

The interview has been watched by over 100m on twitter alone in the space of 8 hours. Millions more on YouTubeā€¦

Michelle Obama seems to be the one thatā€™s going to replace Joe. Bit of a strange one.

Big mike. Lets go. She actually stands a chance of beating trump

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Why is your profile hidden?

What did momma tell your fool ass about twitter numbers?