Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Dont answer a question with a question…clearly you are calling me a coward. Would you care to explain why a hidden profile led you to such a conclusion?

Why would you hide your profile other than making it very difficult for anybody to unearth old posts like you did from 9 years ago?
Are you afraid to stand by what you put up here?

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My profile is hidden because the mods are content to tolerate a lad who harbours genuine ill will, and who is keen to cause whatever harm he can to other posters.
Do you think i found a nine year old post by going to someone’s profile?
You should come straight out and call someone a coward…say something and stand over it


I thought it was quite obvious I was calling you a coward, you really need to improve your comprehension skills

Why did you call me a coward?

Would you often check other people’s profiles? The easiest way to find an old post is the search function and user name… There’s a good reason to hide your profile, but i can’t for the life of me remember it.

This is a he easiest way to find posts
Your way will bring up every mention and reply etc


Is that not available at the start of thread? I was talking about posts in general… Didn’t realise you were talking thread specific. Thanks for tipping me off tho, i must set my profile to private.

It’s there but you can’t see posts from users with private profile

If @glenshane wants to drag up 9 year old posts as an oooft it’s a bit unfair that he won’t allow his own old posts to be viewed

How does

  • Going into someones profile assist the search function?
  • Hiding your profile inhibit use of the search function?

I would also say, its very foolish to not be able to pivot on matters as you grow older. We’ve all been here a long time and as we age, our positions will naturally change, or they should in some situations at the very least. It wouldnt be much of a personal growth if you stuck to every personal opinion you held some 15 or so years ago. Thats not exactly maturing you’d feel.

We were all young foolish men once. Dont hold it against us.

Be zen.

You can tick the ‘Search this topic’ box.

I explained why my profile is hidden. Anyone can find my old posts in the same way i found laz’s post.
I see youvegone from “coward” to a “bit unfair”.

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It’s an extremely inefficient process, try it out.
The way I outlined is the only way to go


I rarely have use for it.

But you cant say why…

You wouldn’t be able to find my long post on mattresses by any chance, would you?

That post just didn’t get the likes it deserved.
Only Fagan saw the true genius in it…