Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Iā€™ve a spare kennel out the back, i was just seeing if i could put any of the dogs up

cc @The_Most_Infamous


McNamara will report back to the rural simpleton voters that he stopped them with his questions in the DƔil.

Heā€™ll report back after he has the carvery in The Potin Still on the way down the M7

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I thought Ukraine was winning?
The spring offensive destroyed Russia, no?
Russia is out of ammo and has lost a million soldiers is what guys here were telling usā€¦ I just donā€™t know what to believe any more :person_shrugging:t2:

Alexi Navalny RIP


Felt unwell after a walk. Hmm.

An extraordinarily brave man.

Vladimir Kara-Murza will be murdered next most likely.

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Round up the usual suspects?

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In an arctic penal colony Iā€™d say all walks could make a fella unwell

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Poor timing by vlad - assassinate a lad with relatively little popular support, a matter of weeks before an election?

no windows or balconies involved, i think we can rule out FSB

Felt unwell after a walk off the prison roof


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The point being the Trumps and the Farages like the murdering opponents aspect.

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Has anyone blamed Trump yet?


Trump wouldā€™ve brough Vlad out to Fuck Island and asked him what he needed all this hassle for. Same as he did with the North Korean fella.

I wonder why Putin and Trump are best buds.

Putin wouldnā€™t need asking twice alright

Dictatorial systems, systems run on the basis of fear and absolute power, they breed paedophiles. Lavrentiy Beria who organised the Katyn massacre and was chief of the NKVD under Stalin was a notorious paedophile.

Thereā€™s a whole bizarre sexual undercurrent to dictatorship, the cult of the leader and especially fascism. An extremely unhealthy one. One that eulogises rape and paedophilia and sexual violence in general. It cloaks this by feigning moral panics over paedophilia and accusing anybody it doesnā€™t like of being a paedophile while ignoring the stench of it in its own ranks. Lozza Fox is a good example. Elon Musk. Donald Trump and Trumpism in general. The nonsense Pizzagate conspiracy theory.

Everything they accuse others of is a confession.