Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Quite distasteful.

How would Ukrainian land ownership justify the invasion? Has anyone made this claim?

As usual, you make little to no sense.

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Even the Russians don’t support Putin anymore. All he has left is a few lads on the tfk defending him.

Russia is a nation stupefied by centuries of dictatorship and nationalism. They know nothing else other than lives of terror and most of them are too stupefied and institutionalised into trauma to want to know anything else. It’s no wonder they have the highest rate of alcoholism in the world. Living there must be like being already dead. A nation of zombies.

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Looks like a massive own goal for putin- victory in Avdiivka, republicans withholding 60 billion, an election next month…very bad timing for him (and navalny)

It would be great if it actually led to some kind of revolution or overthrow but Putin would have the main players murdered before they even got out of bed.

You’d have to start with a movement of Russians outside Russia and try build it from there.

Bad as russia might be, the chaos envisaged by the national endowment for democracy etc would be far worse- their ideal outcome would be another Libya, but on a on a colossal scale. There’s lads on here who actually believe that all the USA wants is peace and democracy

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Interesting that you approve of the Russian/Israeli approach of destruction/genocide but absolutely abhor the US approach of seeking influence through morally questionable, but in the end, relatively peaceful methods.

You’re a complete fucking moron, a dishonest one at that. Go on and fire up a post where i approve of destruction or genocide. Imagine a disingenuous halfwit like you making proclamations about the US “seeking influence”. Glas level shite

Self awareness is not this fella’s strong point


I see Bono was making a big stand about Navalny’s murder at a show there at the weekend.

Now obviously on one level he’s completely correct about this, as the murder yet again reaffirms what an evil bastard Putin is, something the clued in among us have been saying for many years. And it’s absolutely correct to make a big deal about it.

But Bono remains silent on what is happening in Gaza.

Now normally I fucking hate the thing people on the INTERNET who are trying to defend the indefensible do, this thing where they say something like “oh, why are you are focussing on what Israel does when you haven’t said anything about what happened to the Rohingya!. You’re selective! That proves you’re anti-semitic!”

Normal people don’t have unlimited amounts of time to learn about every conflict in the world never mind write about them or speak publicly about them.

But some things are just too obvious.

You can’t take a principled stand against the barbaric Russian invasion and genocide of a free country, and the high profile murder of a Russian dissident by the dictator Putin, and yet be completely silent about Israel perpetrating genocide against Gaza, as the world watches with horror.

Especially when you made a big deal of sympathising with the victims of October 7th (which any decent person would).

Well you can do all that that, but you can’t be taken seriously if you do. It’s just too obviously hypocritical. The double standards are just too obvious.

It’s either principle or money. Bono has principles as long they won’t cost him money.

Now obviously there are also a load of charlatans who support Russia’s genocide and Assad’s butchery of hundreds of thousands (including of Palestinians) and then suddenly turn around and pretend to be defenders of Palestinian human rights. But they’re obviously fuckwits and cunts and stooges for Putin who don’t have any real interest in human rights at all.

But Bono does value human rights. He definitely does. But when you stay silent because you fear the consequences of telling the truth, you’ve discredited yourself forever.

What Israel is perpetrating is really sorting the men from the boys and the women from the girls in terms of who really believes in a universal human rights. And there are very few people with a public profile passing the test.


Bono is a cunt


He’s afraid of AIPAC and Fox News and the Trumpists and rest of the insane pro-Israel lobby in the US ruining him.

That’s why he is refusing to speak out about Gaza. Russia prefers to work at a lower profile level in peddling its evil influence. Israel screams. Israel likes to cancel, to destroy anybody inconvenient to it.

The Israel lobby, like Russia, is one of the great weapons of evil of our time.

He might have just drank the kool aid. Like most of America.


Are relation to Loughnane,be any chance?


That’s a nice post lookalike

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I doubt it. He’s too intelligent for that I think. I’ve seen and heard enough of Bono over the years to know that he does have a genuine passion for human rights and making the world a better place.

My feeling would be that him remaining silent about Gaza is making him feel very uneasy, and very guilty inside. But that’s the test. Protest is not worth the name unless it is often difficult and risky.

If you’re a public figure who who trades on your passion for human rights, you have to pass these tests. You have to speak out even if it means the bastards will come for you.

Navalny, whatever one thinks of him having some problematic views on certain issues at one point or another (perhaps he still did), followed that through to its ultimate conclusion and paid with his life.

Bono won’t speak out even if the only thing it will cost him is money, and he already has a hell of a lot of that.

Real principle on Bono’s part would have meant speaking out in a way that made U2’s Las Vegas shows become lightning rods for pro-genocide demonstrators and anti-genocide demonstrators variously. It would have meant Bono being smeared as anti-Semitic by Israel and Fox and the Wall Street Journal and Elise Stefanik and Bill Maher and whoever else. It would have meant the entirety of the Israel lobby coming for him like the grim reapers they are. U2’s name would have been dragged through the mud. But that’s the price of real principle.

He failed the test. It’s too late now.

Cheaster the jester has nailed Bono here. That’s the way of the modern world now. There’s very few Barney Curleys out there now.

Lots of much more intelligent people than Bono are still on very awkward ground on Israel. Including most of the US and at least half of Europe.