Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

You havenā€™t a clue pal.


Very well said.


Simple folk like simple narratives

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More of a clue about Ukraine and other countries in that neck of the woods than you by a million miles

My honest opinion based on that gangsters previous
And letā€™s not get all lovey dovey about Ukraine,
Bar Albania itā€™s the most corrupt country near Europe
Always was
Totally mismanaged
Look it up

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Ppl on here are hood winked like most in the west
Uncle Sam is pushing this shite
NATO obliging
And the doors in the west believing it
As for our useless cunts io in Leinster house donating Irish money to that corrupt clown in Ukraine
Itā€™s a joke,
We are supposed to be neutral :roll_eyes:

Anyone care to ask themselves why thereā€™s no talk of peace?

Mula mula mula

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Stick to the barstool RA stories.


Youā€™ve nailed it :clap::clap:


He only papering over the cracks.

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Youā€™re some gobshite.

Donā€™t drink
So no bar room stories
Think Iā€™d rather stick to the facts
Maybe you should acquaint yourself with some ref that actor president

Era one manā€™s meat
Truth hurts
So u know yourself,
Takes one to know one :+1::+1::+1::+1::blush:

No such thing as IRA

I love you bro and donā€™t want to fall out with you but I need to point out how you are up for the oppressor when it comes to Ukraine but fought for the oppressed up north.


Itā€™s a question of who one thinks is right
For me.
NATO/uncle Sam

Sovereign country/ federation Russia

Ukrainian ppl and innocent russian folk are pawns in this land grab

Iā€™ll never fall out with anyone with genuine beliefs
Thatā€™s mine and Iā€™ll stick to it.
Not a mind our country going down the swanny

Lack of funding etc etc- special schools

But when our government gives our neautrality and money away
Iā€™m pissed

Corkie clearing house. Great to see

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He destroyed all comers


Iā€™d have thought an anti-imperialist like yourself would be taking the side of the little guy!


Putin is the little guy in my eyes Balbec
All the big players against him
And letā€™s be clear n honest
He could finish it in seconds but heā€™s not as the west portrays him obviously
Iā€™m not getting into a pissing competition,
Thatā€™s my stance
And nothing or no one will convince me otherwise
May be unpopular but such is life