Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Ya fecker winding them up

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At least their not all soft cunts in cork

Dear dearā€™ theirā€™?
Theyā€™re is the one your struggling for bud

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A shame for you that you donā€™t have that excuse.

Maybe you were dropped on the head as a child.

A vile, disgusting comment

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An anti-monarchist who still believes the guy who compared himself to Tsar Peter the Great is an underdog.

In fairness to Corkie, he got that itā€™s a land grab and that he should support the sovereign independent country.

Something got a bit muddled after that.

Ah this is brilliant.

The group think Karens breaking down where Corkie has it right and wrong ā€¦ You have to laugh


Very little in the way of detail though, mostly just name calling

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Its very difficult to be right in the modern world. One has to be adapatable.

I learned years ago thereā€™s no point even tryingā€¦ Youā€™ll trigger a Karen whatever you say. Just be a bollix - itā€™s much better than being right.

We just need to continue to stick up for the litlte guys like Putin and weā€™ll be ok and on the right side of history.


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Putin appears to be shitting himself :smile:

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Be interesting to see who ā€œblinksā€ first

Heā€™s at war with NATO already apparently but this would actually be war this time.