Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

The Cuban missile crisis was a game of chicken/stand off that Kennedy played. Putin is now playing the same card with the long range missile threat.

The crazy lads are back hard in training for the mental gymnastics event at the next Olympics I see.

The difference is that jfk and khrushchev both had a moral compass, a sense of pragmatism, and genuine authority. Neither harris nor biden have the ability or understanding necessary to grasp the issues at stake. Biden’s last coherent mumblings were “dont mess with the bidens”. Harris…ffs, what an utter dead-end.


Kennedy invaded Cuba after three months of being in office.

That’s probably why the pro-Russia lads like him, they like people who invade other countries.

He also massively ramped up the US’s presence in Vietnam and would have done the exact same as Johnson had he lived.

“Moral compass”, lolz.

One final push

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The Winter Defensive

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Kennedy didn’t invade Cuba, failure to do so got him killed shur. Alan Dulles and a few others played him up a kipper.

Took about three seconds, buddy.

Russia are about to run out of working tanks.

Game changer…with that and the samctions, leopards, javelins, patriot missiles, storm shadows, depleted uranium, another 60 billion, and a scattering of f16s…we must be almost there now?

Imagine what they could do of all the weapoms weren’t falling off the back of a truck

Zelensky must realise that he’s outlived his usefulness to uncle joe etc.

Theres a decent 3 or 4 part docuseries recently looking at that and the mobs involvement.


There’s a very good 4 part series on Netflix called the Octopus. Similar I would imagine to the one you’ve referenced above. The murder of Danny Cassolaro - an invesitgative journalist in 1991 opened up a whole can of worms and shed a light on the deep state and CIA involvement in some despicable and depraved ways. For best part of 30 years or more America was being run by a small cabal of men and shady actors chief amongst them Allen Dulles - Head of CIA, Clines, Hunt, Bush, Helmes to name but a few. They had Carte Blanche to do what they wanted. They had a complete sociopath on their payroll called Philip Arthur Thompson. This guy would rival Ted Bundy or Wayne Gacy when it comes to serial killing and raping but he never came to public consciousness because he was a gun for hire. DOJ in the states kept him out of jail for as long as he was useful. The docuseries focused more on central America than Vietnam. A real eye opener.

If anyone thinks you’ll effect American foreign policy by changing presidents they are wrong. You have to cut off the head of the snake or smash the CIA into a million pieces like Kennedy once said.


Oh you can.

You won’t make it much better by putting in a new president. But you can sure make it a lot worse by putting in a new president.

This is true. Multiple democrat presidents have dropped more bombs over the last twenty years than any republican presidents ever did

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They got more rhymes than the bible got pslams

@balbec telling @blinken to go shit in his hat

Ah yes, good old Grzegorz Braun. A very serious politician. Here he is extinguishing a menorah in the Sejm at Hannukah last year.


I’m sure blinken only wants what’s best for Poland