Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

He says if the UK and US give the go ahead to Ukraine to fire missiles into Russia that NATO will be at war with Russia :smile:

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And fellas think trump will cause WWIII

Him and his cavemen army.

This cheerful chap has excitedly gung hoed sanctions, counter offensives, leopard tanks, depleted uranium, and every other scrap of a headline he’s slowly deciphered in the twitter equivalent of teen vogue.
Two weeks, he told his fellow simpletons…about a year ago
You’d dread to think that such low-grade mendacious stupidity would end up anywhere where it could do actual harm.


Still telling this lie?

The spring offensive :clap:

That fella couldn’t lie straight in the bed, handy oul tactic of the headbangers :man_shrugging:

Had he been around at the time Trump would have immediately ended World War II by surrendering unconditionally to the Nazis.

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It’s the same as anything else he says, if he repeats the lie often enough it must be true.

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It’s nice that glas and tracksuit have each other


It’s nice that you have a few lickspittles to repeat your lies to, if you say it enough it almost becomes real

I love how thin skinned you are, great fun :grinning:

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Yes, that’s why it’s nice that you’ve found each other. Project away there.

You’re getting pissy because you’ve been challenged on the same old lie you’ve repeated over and over :rofl:

Ya big fanny

When is that spring offensive kicking off pal?

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We’re experiencing the 21st century version of the Cuban missile crisis

No we aren’t.

Indeed, unfortunately we dont have a cool head like jfk. They’ll stard WWIII to stop trump

JFK ended up having a cool head alright. Even if there was only half it left.

The cuban missile crisis was America not wanting nuclear Russia on it’s door step and is celebrated…
Russia not wanting NATO in Ukraine is evil.