Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Irony ahoy from the simpleton who forms his genocide-excusing opinions from the blogs of wacko conspiracy theorists.

I donā€™t form my opinions from Twitter. I use it to inform me though because unlike you I have the intelligence to be able decipher reality from fantasy.

Given your pathetic me me me tantrum on the thread where Creeslough was being discussed itā€™s laugh out loud hilarious to see you invoking that word.

2 weeks ago you had me on ignore. Now i find out youre reading every word i type - i donā€™t know what to believe.

The truest words youā€™ve ever said.

And boy does it show.

Now weā€™ve got a weapon
Weā€™ve never used before
Putins looking worried
Itā€™s time to worry more
SAM missilesā€¦in the sky

Did you read the comments underneath?

Aye. But sure itā€™ll take me ages to check out the reputations etc of all the commentators etc. Thatā€™s the game, right?
But back to my question- were the Ukrainians bombing away at Ukrainians in the third week of February. Iā€™ve no idea, but seeing as youā€™ve done a fair bit of online research.

Iā€™d imagine they were trying to clear out Russian Soldiers alright.

Russians didnā€™t invade until the fourth weekā€¦but youā€™re imagining, so its ok.
But stop imagining for a secā€¦

Plenty of speculation of Russian military feet on the ground there in the years before invasion but who can we trust in this Information Age, eh?

So you think the russians invaded before the 22nd, and the Ukrainiansengagedthem in battle? You should pass this on to the authorities.
Goodnight harry. You mad eejit.

You need the rest if thatā€™s what youā€™ve taken from that reply :joy:

Night night my aul flower

Good man. 22 = 4th week. Youā€™ll work it out.

A lean mean fighting machine.

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I really thought the fella with the flag was gonna get it.

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The Belaruskies lining up for a go now


50/50 as whether they overthrow their own fella and not invade id say.

He refused to sing the Celtic Symphony and now thereā€™s a coup planned

The writing is on the wall.