Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Millions have been distributed globally all under EU mechanisms that were agreed by member states.

The EU is a democratic organisation. You didn’t have a clue about the EPF last week and started talking absolute shit on it but here you are digging in further.

No because that’s not how the council works.

I keep telling you that this is not the case.

Big government/ business interests in Eastern Europe were pressuring the President of the time to stay the course with Russia. You won’t hear that angle from @Thomas_Brady though- he couches everything in the “conniving big business West” vs. poor farmers who just want to be close to another Russia.

It’s important to point out though Tom absolutely does not support Russia and does not want Russia to “win”. He just wants peace and no nuclear war - although the isn’t sure on the terms of that and what characterises a “Russia win”.

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ok correct me where I’m wrong - the EPF and CDSP are exactly that a common defense security policy

a conflict arises in Yemen. The council meet, push it through the high representative to the EPF committee, who hold a vote and no, Europe doesn’t see fit to send aid.

a conflict arises in Turkey, same thing but yes, Europe sees fit to send aid.

The council is acting on behalf of Europe, not the individual member states. The benefit of the Bloc over individual states right, stronger together ? I’m not wrong am I? This was formed to strengthen the bloc’s defense and political interests abroad.

I don’t agree with it. It doesn’t matter if I don’t agree with it, It’s there. Time will tell if it’s good or bad.

Could the requisite supports have made their way to Ukraine without it? I think yes

How far back do you want to go? The ussr? Stalin? Poland?

How twee


I have to say I don’t really follow what you’re saying. At the end there you’re juxtaposing the interests of the EU and individual states, the point is the interests of the states are aligned. Or at least they try to find ways to align to act coherently and in that way have greater influence.

EPF proposals come up through committees to be decided by the council.

A lot of what’s funded is training or advice missions, training military or police in other countries, including on things like human rights and due process. This assists countries to provide security to their populations. This assists preventing conflict, increased peace and stability, improved conditions all round. That’d be the theory anyway. Obviously it’s not a cure all.

I haven’t mentioned anything about nuclear war other than Zelensky calling on NATO to bomb Russia.

Yes, i think peace and preventing further loss of life would be a good thing.

By that logic you can claim the US tooled up ultra nationalists to implement a regime change and install a more pro EU/US gov… And around we go.

Before 2013?

But you can’t articulate what a reasonable outcome is where Russia don’t win.

It’s an empty statement that means nothing, you’re just trying to cover all bases.

Why cant i articulate it? - the caveat of ‘where Russia doesn’t win’ is lovely :rofl:… It allows you plenty of wiggle room to shout down anything suggested other than a full restoration of what was Ukraine 2012.

Because you can’t. I asked you the terms you think are acceptable.

I’m pretty clear that I line up with the view that Putin now has to go and Russia needs the change radically. “Peace” won’t last whilst Russia maintains laws on the its books that gives it a pretext to attack the Baltic states. That is the reason why Finland applied to join NATO and those states are so hardline on this.

You asked once and i gave you your answer. Im not here to spoon feed you Neocons.

Anything less than a full restoration of Ukraine before March 2014 should absolutely be rejected outright.

Why would anybody think otherwise other than that they support Russia’s imperialism?

To not reject it outright is to legitimise annexation of other countries.

This is the most basic of the most basic stuff and you refuse to understand it.

I refuse do i? The topic was only broached three posts up but i refuse :rofl::rofl:… What eye are you reading with?

OK, you don’t have the intelligence. Which is worse?

Even with my blind eye I can see clearer than you can with two good ones.


Caught spouting more shit and youre windmilling.

What if Ukraine are happy to settle for something less than pre 2014?

“Caught spouting more shit” would be a very accurate description of your entire forum output.

If you want to deal with hypotheticals, get back to me in the hypothetical event you ever form an opinion that isn’t childish nonsense.

Oh the ironing… The fella that has to reduce everything to good guys and bad guys, left and right and only deals in absolutes or throws a tantrum… That’s the mind of an infant. Meanwhile adults realise the world is mostly grey, not black and white. Stick to your Twitter feed.