Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

First georgia and then Ukraineā€¦thirteen years later. Not much of a blitzkrieg you must admit.
Some going for a seventy year old- by my reckoning @balbec has until 2035 to get to fuck out of Poland

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If weā€™re lucky global warming might kill us here before Putin, or else Vera Pauws nationalist ninjas might do an aul coup

What are you shitting on about? ā€œNihilistic western dreamsā€- what?

Putin has laid out clearly what he wants, the same lads who denied heā€™d invade are saying now itā€™ll stop if thereā€™s just ā€œpeaceā€ now.

You need to read about Russiaā€™s concept of ā€œcitizenshipā€- Russia have used an expanded form of it as a pretext to this war. They say ā€œethnicā€ Russians are all one and the same. Have a look at the Baltics and their demographics. Again, there is a reason why Finland and Sweden are joining NATO, after decades of refusal. Look at what the actual Baltic states are saying, ask @balbec what Eastern European states think of Putin and any promises he receives.

Itā€™s pretty obvious why Ukraine are progressing now, they are receiving military support.

It is up to Ukraine to decide on any ā€œpeaceā€ deal with Russia, it isnā€™t up to the West. Until then the collective West needs to support Ukraine.

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Yep. Because the fella has spent years ā€œbuilding up his militaryā€ from a shitbox to slightly less of a shitbox. His long term strategic aims including the Eurasian Union only came about as he started his third term.

Look at most war mongerers, it doesnā€™t happen in a year ffs.

You can stop lying about what you actually want to happen, Mick.

Good question.

Top of the range weaponry. Who profits? ā€¦ War has always been one of the biggest money makers, if not the biggest.

They did nothing when crimea happened, was that not as much of an invasion of Ukraine as today? Of course the fact that more than half the army and naval personnel in Crimea defected to the Russian side answers that, they saw themselves as Russian. Could that be happening elsewhere, where regions are torn apart by loyalty?

Ukraine had to build and vet their entire army again with the help of many foreign advisors. You had Russia supporting separatists with weapons and the US training Ukrainians and supplying weaponry. But itā€™s in no way a US/russian proxy war.

Austin Powers Movie GIF

youā€™re some gimp in fairness

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Youā€™ve been making excuses for fascists and racists for months? Yes?

It is about spheres of influence.

He wants them under Russiaā€™s trade and military banner. Putin wants that back.

You used the Zero Covid analogy but itā€™s actually the opposite. The Russian nuclear threat is the same as ā€œoh no, heā€™ll cut off the gasā€. You claim above he must surely be rational now but go on about nuclear war ffs. :rofl:

The long term subjugation of populations has an impact too. Compare and contrast the economic and health of Eastern Europeans in the EU vs. the likes of Ukraine.

If you canā€™t rebute the post then fine, just use the next few days for a bit of Googling like you did after you made a tit of yourself on ā€œEU militarisationā€. Iā€™d rather you spent a few days bettering yourself than throwing around ableist insults like gimp.

Putin isnā€™t Russia. Do you think Putin embodies an entire Superpower? He has a limited shelf life. Itā€™s taken him 8 years to start losing a war in a small part of Ukraine where he has supreme military advantages. He is no threat to our freedom. Zero.
Russia is being eaten alive by sanctions and unrest. Keep pressure there. Keep political pressure everywhere.
Escalating the war should be the last, not first choice.

Get them to Minsk to reopen talks on already agreed treaties. Which were led by France and Germany already. I think youā€™ll see fairly quickly there is no desire for any further conflict in Russia

Donā€™t be a condescending gimp then

also, lookup gimp

Ya couldnā€™t make it up!

and lads, when Russia is weakend and put back in itā€™s boxā€¦ this doesnā€™t get any better. A weak Russia will lead to about half a dozen dirty conflicts wars along itā€™s borders. A couple of absolute fucking lunatics are being held in check because of fear of Russian rebuttal.

Gimp is ableist language, thatā€™s where the insult comes from. We all say things from time to time in an unthinking matter but would prefer you engage with points rather than resorting to that.

It keeps war and Russia all firmly away from the US. Russia dug in long term and Ukraine indebted to the US. The Euro losing more strength and US supplying gas to Europe in the billions of dollarsā€¦ Youā€™d almost laugh if it wasnā€™t so fucked up and costing innocent Ukrainians their livesā€¦ But this is about good v evil. We must fight on till the bitter end.


Iā€™d prefer you werenā€™t so condescending all the time but such is life.

Thereā€™s no point debating points when itā€™s all just so ludicrous to you. On your bike

Rome isnā€™t Caesar
Napoleon isnā€™t France
Hitler isnā€™t Germany


The ideology that has driven Russia to this is centuries established and has enjoyed a revival under the likes of Aleksandr Dugin.

I think someone making up some weird term like Western nihilism and talking about condescending is pretty funny.

Youā€™ve resorted to this now as after you threw out an ableist slur you donā€™t have much left in the locker. Iā€™m encouraging you like after you made a tit of yourself on ā€œEU militarisationā€ that you go off and do some reading. You can then come back and discuss this like a grown up.

Russian gas in Europe is done. I know lads are a bit pissed off about prices but thatā€™s the reality.