Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

I suppose you’re not an extremist so long as you’re in the majority and you go along with the official narrative- not even when you turn a blind eye to coercion, human rights abuses, warmongering, discrimination etc.

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Myself and Esteban merely said the process should be slowed down and that was fair for the refugees as much as anyone else… The headbangers on here went bananas. But shur, let them come in and sleep on the streets to appease the nutters who just want to pontificate and virtue signal.


Keeping the American economy going with American union jobs. The industrial military complex

The refugee issue at the moment goes WAY beyond Ukrainians

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Iirc you never said to not take in refugees just we need to fix the system first. Look at the fuck up of DP, thats going on decades

It does, and that was pointed out also but shur :person_shrugging:t2:

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Putin is a dangerous evil mental cunt (true).

Let’s back him into a corner and leave him with no option to save himself but to use nukes (absolute fucking insanity).

No, let’s just give him everything he wants, just like you want to do.

You’ll be lambasted for not viewing things in black or white. There’s no grey area in life.

The loonies always resort to their vapid, empty slogans when they’ve no actual argument, which is always.

The mentallers are angry again.

It’s a funny old war. Everyone has already agreed on a solution but…

No, let’s stop escalating this war and try to start peace talks. Let’s try to save thousands of lives and stop millions from being displaced.

A crazy far right idea no doubt but worth trying all the same.

But then the head bangers wont be vindicated and that’s what really matters here.

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The same lads who think zero covid is a realistic ambition think that nuclear war is an acceptable outcome if it means they are right on the Internet. Fucking lunatics.


And i was called a fascist, racist for months. You’d expect an apology from someone normal

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Peace till when? Read what Putin and Russia’s long term goals are- it doesn’t stop in any region of Ukraine, let alone the whole country.

There is a reason why Finland and Sweden joined NATO and why Baltic states are hardline on this. This won’t stop.

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lookit. this is all bullshit to justify your nihilistic wet dreams too.

If Putin really wanted to invade all of Western Freedom and democracy do you think he would have planned it a little better since the war in Ukraine started 8 fucking years ago. He had 8 years to plan an invasion. 8. To plan and mobilise, he didn’t. Sure he can’t even take territories you lads claim he already had. And why now are Ukraine making advances in Donetsk and Luthansk after 8 years when they couldn’t bate a few lads with shovels up to now?

Open ye’re own fucking eyes and look at it.

Get them back to Minsk and deal in peace

Lech kaczyński was borderline far right and his brother them same

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Any designs Putin may have had on any other countries will have evaporated by now. He can’t hold a tiny proportion of one country nevermind invadaing other countries. He is a lunatic but even he must see that now. The smart choice now is to give him some sort of off ramp to save face. The alternative is a bogged down war in Eastern Ukraine going on for years costing thousands of lives that will eventually end in peace talks anyway or else an escalation of the war which will cost millions of lives and possibly nuclear war. That’s just the reality of the situation.

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No “we” must destroy Russia even if that means the end of humanity and most life on the planet.

That’s what US neocons want and sure they have been right about everything else up to now.