Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Why is the war still even raging? What has given Ukraine the ability to sustain the fight and push Russia back? Putin now knows heā€™s caught in this for years and years if the US and Ukraine so wish.

But yeah, ive no idea how to pursue peace :person_shrugging:t2:

I donā€™t understand mate, what exactly are you suggesting the US should do differently, or do at all, that would lead to peace?

:sweat_smile: as if the yanks give two fucks about the people of Ukraine


Peace talks can happen along these lines in my opinion

  1. get Russia and the Ukraine talking - sort out their bilateral issues - they were talking as recently as March in Turkey, there is a desire there to resolve this
  2. get Russia the EU and Ukraine talking - sort out the economic issues and resolutions to the economic devastation brought about
  3. get Russia and US/NATO talking and stabilise how they all can fit in the World.

Concessions will be needed and I think the main sticking point will be how the autonomy of the areas in the East will be decided. It might be best left undecided while negotiations are ongoing. Obviously a ceasefire will need to be adhered to and this isnā€™t going to come easy, given previous breaches, on both sides.

Put the Donbas region under UN control until such point as terms can be negotiated. So a peacekeeping mission as opposed to a military operation.

Get financial and humanitarian aid at point, in Eastern Ukraine to rebuild not destroy.

A prolonged war can be avoided. The longer a prolonged war goes on, the more chance a hard line is crossed and we get devastation on a scale we havenā€™t seen in our lifetimes. The more a prolonged war goes on, the more chance we see flare ups in Armenia, Iran, Turkey, basically anyhwere with a grievance along Russias borders. The longer a prolonged war goes on the more likely we are to see China invade and take Taiwan.

I think now is the perfect time to push for peace. Itā€™s coming in to hard winter. The desire for this will be at an all time low in Russia. Itā€™s achievable and certainly more so than the all out defeat and de-militarisation of Russia.

Somebody asked for a prediction - I think there will be talks before '22 is out and I hope the fuck they can be successful. The alternative is bleak

Iā€™ll probably be called names for saying all that

A strong dollar/ weak euro

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If we just let him have the Sudetenland it will guarantee peace in our time


Does Glas think all that military hardware is being donated for free by the yanks? In the name of Freedom?

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Theyā€™re giving Europe record levels of gas for free also.

Do you think Putin wants peace?

If he wanted to help his ā€œ Ethnic Russian ā€œ brothers & sisters in Eastern Ukraine why didnā€™t he exert all his military might there Day 1 and annex it?

Instead of the above he moved on Kyiv, he wanted the Country and fully expected to take it.

This is a great ballhop you have on the go.

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Man rushes to library and asks librarian; 'have you got that new book on small penises?

Librarian: i dont believe itā€™s in yet

Man: Yes, thatā€™s the one.


This daft cunt :joy:

can someone else give that poor sap the aul bit of attention he craves?

Did somebody mention people who crave attention?

Filatov will not be happy.


Businesses being wiped out. Livelihoods being destroyed.

Youā€™re reaching deep into the banter barrel this evening

But Paddy Bogtrotter has a Ukraine flag on his social media profile


I donā€™t see whatā€™s so funny about people losing their livelihoods. Clearly you didnā€™t bother clicking on the rte news article in the tweet but would rather dismiss it because Quinn has retweeted it.

Heā€™ll probably let go of the foreigners he employs to try claw back some money