Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Tony knows someone is talking to Johhny and New York.

@Horsebox has made a good contribution to this thread today in fairness. I think he’s thinking rationally like a lot of other posters and he is 100% correct re peace talks.

This war looks like it will unfortunately be a stalemate for years to come with potentially hundreds of thousands of innocent people killed on both sides.

It’s clear the US/Nato are mad for regime change. I could be wrong but I think Putin pissed them off in Syria. Not that, that is the catylst or anything but I don’t think they’ll except anything less now either especially since he did invade the Ukraine.

A long bastard of a horrible war will continue for years potentially especially with the best weapons continiously being given to the Ukrainians. That whole premise is a joke as its just going to lead to more deaths.

Innocent poor people on both sides will suffer the most.

The military industrial complex will thrive, I suppose as always. Not a bad result for the net zero lads either.


You’re an awful drip these days

The west are sacrificing Ukrainian people in a proxy war with Russia that they don’t have the balls to do themselves.

Its as simple as that.

A ceasefire along with peace is the only sensible outcome.


The US seems happy to fight until the last Ukrainian


They couldnt care less about them. Have they taken in much Ukrainian people fleeing the war?

All that dripping has washed his brain clean of any sense. And those of about seven or eight other lads here.

Sleepy Joe will happily fund them in their sacrifice

Fellas will happily see Ukrainian razed to the ground if it means they’re right on the internet


Paddy Bogtrotter (he/him) :ukraine:


A billion trillion million of them.

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It is very hard to understand that thought process.


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You think it would be better to abandon them to the Russians?

Diplomacy is whats required, mate. Arming one side of this conflict is not going to lead to anything but more deaths in this conflict on both sides.

Peace is always better than war. Ultimately peace will happen. I’d rather that it was now. Negotiations can and should happen asap.

They can’t if the aggressor refuses to talk.

Countries with influence over both should be pushing them to the table rather than prolonging the inevitable.

Surely thats in everyones interest.

Which countries? What influence?

The aggressor has offered peace talks recently to be fair.