Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Where have you been the last 3 years. Questions aren’t allowed any more.
Get with the program kid or you’d be cancelled

Jesus Christ you are wumming surely? Have you ever met a gay person? Or do you imagine that all gay men are very camp and effeminate? Google Jeff Molina there. Or Carl Nassib. Would you think they’d be any use to you in a fight?

He’s cute

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Gay men are commonly confused with steamers for some reason :man_shrugging:

A steamer would be useless in any type of fight


I didn’t know there was a difference.
What is it?

I was talking about the laws of averages. Just answer the question.
There’s exceptions to every rule. I know that…

The gays might gang rape you before putting a bullet in your head. Attack the straight lads.

I think you’re right. Gay men are more affectionate and fun loving. Not prone to violence in general.

Interesting perspective…

Well is there any difference between the military training both sets of soldiers have had in this hypothetical situation? Or is it purely their sexuality that defines whether they can point and shoot a gun? :smile: Ya big eejit ya.

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Looks like hell on earth. Some serious testicular fortitude from the Ukrainian NCO here who went full Rambo. Looks like he was in charge of some inexperienced soldiers and saved their bacon almost single handedly.

Orcs with aids all over the perimeter.

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They weren’t far wrong

What part of my post, “all other things being equal” didn’t you understand?

Well then I think it really doesn’t matter mate. Either or.

One bang…

China’s leader, Xi Jinping, and Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, spoke by telephone on Wednesday, in the first known contact between the two leaders since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Mr. Zelensky said he “had a long and meaningful phone call” with Mr. Xi. The Chinese state news media said the two leaders had discussed “the Ukraine crisis” and their nations’ bilateral relationship.

“I believe that this call, as well as the appointment of Ukraine’s ambassador to China, will give a powerful impetus to the development of our bilateral relations,” Mr. Zelensky said on Twitter.

Since the war began, Mr. Zelensky had repeatedly expressed interest in speaking with Mr. Xi. China, though it has declared itself neutral in the war, is a close partner of Russia, and many Western officials believe it may be the only country with enough clout with both Ukraine and Russia to help negotiate an end to the conflict.