Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Xi letting Putin know who’s boss.

Turkey negotiated a peace deal last april only for biden and johnson to sabotage it.
The yanks will be morally outraged if the slaughter stops.

You imagine they won’t give up those LNG resources in Urkaine too easily alright

Theres lads on here who think the US only play these games with brown people

Somebody above in Leinster House would want to grow a pair of balls over this.
Basically the Russians are bullying us. It doesn’t read well at all.

Very trimmed down report there, than the one I read last night.

A bit more in that one

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I’m surprised the heavy hitters of the forum aren’t all over this. We’re on the verge of going to war with Russia.

I suppose the Russians could invade during championship and nobody would bat an eye.

One of the Russia fans was posting a few months back that Ireland contributing to EU support to Ukraine through the European Peace Facility made us “a legitimate target” for Russia. I’d say he must be shitting it altogether now.

@Tank what are those rectangular things on the front of tanks?

Reactive armor

Informative rating.

Posted July 4, 2015

Explosive reactive armor is that brick-looking stuff that the Soviets loved covering their tanks in during the last days of the Cold War:

Kharkov Stronk!

I admit not knowing much about ERA, but a quick check around various sources has impressed the following things on me:

-ERA is, pound for pound, the most effective armor technology that exists. Nothing else even comes remotely close. First-generation Israeli Blazer ERA was estimated to have a mass efficiency (vs RHA) of 20-24 vs HEAT threats. That’s insane. The very best modern steel laminates using ultra-high hardness alloys magically welded to high toughness alloys achieve a mass efficiency of 1.5. MEs of 3 are spoken of in hushed whispers for exotic material composite arrays. ERA must be mounted on something fairly stout, on account of the whole “explosive” thing, but even mounted to RHA, the ME of the entire array is on the order of 2.5-3.8, and better still for ERA mounted on top of something more sophisticated.

ERA is stupidly cheap and stupidly light for how effective it is.

-The most commonly available descriptions of how the Kontakt-5 “heavy” ERA works are probably wrong. Surprise surprise; commonly available articles about a technical subject are completely wrong. Robb Mcleod’s article gives a more likely explanation on the basis of areal density vs. installation mass and coverage. Instead of an extremely heavy one-piece flyer plate that snaps the APFSDS penetrators, Kontakt-5 works by having two flyer plates that move in different directions; one slightly up and one slightly down, guillotining off the front portion of long-rod APFSDS penetrators.

But but Seymour Hersh


I thought Biden blew those up


A Danish blogger has confirmed Russian ships were in the area 3 months prior to the explosion so it’s clearly Russia.


Remind us again what russia gained by blowing up their own pipeline?

What did Russia gain by invading Ukraine?


That’s a thorny and difficult question. I’m not sure you’ve the ability to cope with the necessary discussion ?

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I used to have that duvet cover