Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

The far right in Ireland are going around organising protests against Ukrainian refugees. The far right in the US want to stop sending support to the Ukrainian military.

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Anyhow as long as Sidney and Tim Riggins are here and their racist, bigoted trolling is tolerated I will go elsewhere.

I cannot abide people who use vicious lies and slurs to spread hate. I cannot abide people who routinely distort and misrepresent others to villify them. I grew up in a society where we had loyalists who did exactly the same thing and it’s disappointing these posters are largely excused for this type of toxic behaviour. I’m too decent a person to be wasting my time with generally nasty people like that.

Farewell chaps.


Don’t go.

Where have we seen this before?

Farewell sweet princess.

Stop gaslighting him

This is a very fair observation.

I’ve tried to get info on these Pro - Ethnic Russians conflicts with Pro Ukrainian - Neo Nazi’s before Putins encroachment into Crimea but I haven’t found much.

It seems that there wasn’t a lot of action from the Separatist or Neo Nazi groupings until Vlad stoked up tensions after 2012 - 2014 period of civil unrest.

Are the Neo Nazi groupings targeting Russians?

Are these Neo Nazi groups radical Ukrainian nationalists? Similar to the Ethnic Russians turning radical and taking up arms to form their own land from the Ukrainians?

No doubt wrongs have been committed on both sides, I think it’s fair to say Western powers have influenced one side whilst Putin influenced the other.

Difference obviously is the West didn’t wander into Russia bombing indiscriminately.

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Better than @glenshane’s heroes efforts at getting Kiev in fairness to him.

Ah ffs sake harry. Would you ever quit just saying any old stuff.
Why don’t you start with stalin’s holodomor, then consider the origins of the banderite movement, have a gander at the ss/asov batallions in ww2 and then move on to the the cia and operation red sox in the 50s. Let us know how you get on.

You’re doing that thing where you shout look over there….

Is it not fair to say that tensions between Ethnic Russians & Ukrainians in Eastern Ukraine were in fact amicable before Putin tooled up groups and sent them into Eastern Ukraine once his puppet president was ousted/fled?

Would that act not be a fair reason for most Ukrainians to detest Russia & join up in resisting Putins invasion?

Please expand on your point & how it supports your argument that Ukrainians are bad & Ethnic Russians are entitled to just take sovereign land away on a whim from Ukraine?

Seriously? I can’t work out if you’re attempting to sound stupid or clever

I’m not into research mate. Hence I’m asking you.

You’re not asking anything. You’re dressing up a stupid accusation and passing it off as an innocent question. There’s no coherent response to that bullshit

If Gemma O’Doherty tried to do an impression of Kevin McAleer, @glenshane is what you’d get.

Your gemma obsession is quite bizarre. How many times have you mentioned her on the forum? It must be thousands at this stage

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You continue to ignore the point that Ukraine was peaceful enough before Putin’s proxy presidential candidate fled.

Now, you can argue that Western meddling ousted him or that he broke promises of EU integration and lost his mandate to lead.

You can argue he was only a Putin puppet also.

But, I think it’s a fair question to ask then how anyone can blame Neo Nazi elements which accordingly were tiny in support much like most of those factions throughout Europe for the issues which ensued.

There was no large scale bloodshed before Putin armed elements and sent in mercenaries to lead fighting.

I’m slightly bemused you can shoot down my line of questioning without offering what I ask for which is some proof otherwise.

It’s like ‘The Third Policeman’ without the funny bits

I respectfully disagree again. You’d believe anything. You consistently repeat things that aren’t true and espouse viewpoints that are just basic disinformation. You swallow any old guff as long as it’s what you think is counter to the mainstream and parrot it back and somehow think you’re being smart because you’re saying something “different”. I mean for a fella who likes to think of himself as some sort of free thinker you’re taken in by extremely basic stuff, you’re as gullible as they come.


I’m throwing that a like. I love a good hissy fit.