Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

The numbers would matter if any of the Russian laddies actually wanted to fight.


They are all pissed drunk and sprinting towards the enemy linesā€¦or the opposite direction of the enemy lines.

Petty criminals and drug addicts who joined Wagner to get out of the clink.


They must really hate those few nazis fighting for Ukraine

Russians shot them all down themselves apparently :joy:

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WTF has that got to do with what I said? Moron.

Shur youā€™d wonder why they even bother with soldiers, the robots should settle it between themselves

One up for @glenshane crowd

Shur i knew all about that after the partisan fellas were blowing about german warmongering. If Iā€™d have been of the same childish mindset Iā€™d have posted it.
This is always interestingā€¦to the adults in the room at least

Not widely reported and some saying itā€™s fake.
But looks genuine enough to meā€¦

All Ukrainian successes are real.
All Russian successes are fake.


Whatā€™s the name of this stitcher pod you keep posting? Iā€™m not downloading the appā€¦ Theyā€™ll surely be available elsewhere

Here you go. Antiwar news gives a roundup from a range of sources ā€¦nyt, al jazeeea, kiev independent etc. The Scott horton show is mostly interviewsā€¦his book ā€˜enough alreadyā€™ is worth a read

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Break it down for us chief.

Ukraine forces under pressure?

Russia not well organised but have ample replacements ready?

Itā€™s hard to know who to believe- but different sources say that Ukraine has lost 80% of the soldiers and equipment they started with, including their special forces. They are now reliant on a steady stream of young and old recruits, reluctant hungarian and roma Ukrainians etc. Most of the russian army is yet to see combat, theyā€™re either maintaining a stalemate along a fortified front or theyā€™re held in reserve while the wagner group is doing most of the groundwork. Russia has hapes of artillery and these new glide bombs- which are streets ahead of western air defences.
The noises in Washington are that thereā€™s dwindling optimism and that Ukraines best hope is to throw everything into one last effort in order to get themselves back to the negotiating table.
The Washington post interview is mad- basically zelensky is scolding them for revealing Ukrainian secret service channels of communication with whats his name from wagner- the suggestion being that heā€™s giving the Ukrainians info on russian troop positions in exchange for a wagner victory in bakmutā€¦of which they control 95% (mostly rubble)

Itā€™s hard to know who to believe he says before he says the majority of the UAF and itā€™s equipment have been destroyed with a straight face.


Shur i told you all that 6 months ago?

Theyve been handed about a hundred billions worth of equipment and they say they need moreā€¦they cant be selling it all on the black market

Incredible to think you need more and more equipment and ammunitions to fight a wide scale war across a number of massive front lines against an enemy with enormous stores of artillery and yetā€¦here we are.