Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Merkel and her dutch counterpart admitted that minsk was a bluff aimed at giving the Ukrainians time to build up an army large enough to take on russia. Either russia moved too soon or the west misjudged. I dont think america cares…they win regardless

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Why would they need more? A year ago you were saying the russians were but a ragtag bundle of savages a mere set of tyres away from obliteration. Do you remember that bon mot? We’ve been lied to, just like in every other war.

I was reading that Washington Post story the other day about The Battle of Bakhmut & I got a bit scared. It reminded me of the time I saw a documentary about The Birmingham Six when I was around 8 & had nightmares after it. The story referenced a 9-storey building in the city centre the Ukrainians were holding. The Russian shelled the shit out of it so it became a 4-story structure. Then they launched an attack on it & men landed on the 4th floor, now roof area, & progressed down into the body of the semi-ruined building. Hand to hand combat ongoing inside it with the Russians controlling the 3rd & 4th floors & the Ukrainians holding the 1st & 2nd. Very scary indeed.

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Have you a link to that story?

This one maybe

I’m sure the soldiers on both sides relished the symbolic importance of their situation

That’s the one alright, thanks @Raylan.

@TreatyStones, don’t mention my poetic licence/exaggeration please.

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Theres a video, taken from a drone of dozens Ukrainian soldiers hiding in an unusual one story open sided building…the only cover around. The drone has no problem spotting then, they’re aware of the drone, a few peripheral soldiers squirm away from the edges, the drone gains altitude and an airstrike is called in. Obliterated in a second. Some lads would tell you ‘wanting to fight’ made the difference.


All going to plan @glenshane

No idea. Why?

Revenues from where, the West?

Shur it’s good against evil. What did oil and gas ever have to do with it?


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Wagner have finally taken control of Bakhmut.

I thought the Russians were being slaughtered and pushed back everywhere?

It was a trick

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Shur it was of no strategic importance anyway.
Where’s zelensky btw?

He’s worse than Gordon Elliot touring around the world when he should be working. He’s in Hiroshima.

You’re an awful bollox. So basically some witnesses say that Islamic fundamentalists massacred people but some white men threw the bodies into ditches. I assume you didn’t read the article…“Few of the atrocities alleged to have involved Wagner have been conclusively linked to the group, however. A lack of witnesses, resistance from local regimes, poor infrastructure and acute insecurity have made full investigation of claims difficult.”

Anyhow. FYI the main reason that wagner is a mercenary organisation is that it puts some sort of absurd legal distance between themselves and the russian government(a bit like the french foreign legion)- war crimes by wagner aren’t technically russian war crimes…(i just thought you should know).

But Nato. Nato/the US has armed, funded, provoked and radicalised every islamic extremist gyroup you can think of…rapists, executioners, torturers and all. They’re no better than the russians. You’d be some mug to think otherwise.