Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

I’d say he will de-platformed soon from youtube. He trys to stay as neutral as he can to be fair.

His videos lately are decent in fairness.

One below here is very interesting as well.

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What do Matt Le Tissier, Paul Merson and Mr. Blobby think?

All over Chantry House

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A few years ago id have dismissed him as a pretentious hipster fullbof the sound of his own voice. Now i think hes a jumble of personal struggles, eagerness to learn, celebrity, honesty, optimism, curiosity and openness. Hes a great lad and i think its fair to say that hed be a great addition to the forum
That said i wish hed stop doing the silly voices.


Well said @Gman

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Anyone who needs to proclaim how charitable and good they are on social media - including TFK are not to be trusted in my opinion.

Go on about your business ffs.

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Yeah, because the truly good people are those who have spent the last six years cheerleading Putin’s barbaric war in Syria in support of the butcher Assad, like you.

Imagine living in a world constructed entirely from straw men so as to insulate you from having to account for your horrible views, like you do.

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There ye go lads. Enjoy.

Putins invasion of Ukraine is abhorrent. I’ll hold my hands up in that I didn’t expect him to do that. It was an appalling road to go down and its dangerous terrority now re world order.

Never the less, I do think Putin did the world a favour removing the ISIS threat in Syria. Surely you’re not backing those ISIS lads are you?

I didn’t have them down as “woke”.

They did a good job in fairness, majorly ott though … the photo of the lad raising the flag in berlin was staged, and wtf are the wee lassies doing running down the corridor. I stopped there.

The veneer of civilisation barbarians pour over themselves.

Putin did nothing to ISIS. Putin backed and contributed the side which killed 90% of civilians in Syria.

The Assad regime is a truly evil regime and Putin’s intervention in Syria was evil. Russia killed 23k civilians and routinely bombed hospitals.

The truth is that ISIS, grotesquely evil as they are, were only in the hapenny place in Syria compared to the combined Assad/Putin butchery.

Assad, like Putin, should be hanging from a lampost.

I’d just rather there was no wars to tell you the truth. I don’t have a strong political alliance with anyone.

Live and let live I say. “Unmasked preferably”.

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Mood music would suggest China is leaving Russia in the lurch.

i) They refused to support Russia over a vote Russia tried to bring at the UN tonight. Russia abandoned the vote.
ii) Lavrov’s plane to Beijing apparently turned around half way and flew back to Moscow.
iii) Chinese state media is reporting that Russia is murdering Ukrainian civilians.

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Slava Ukraini!

Found this strangely powerful.


Arnold is a brilliant speaker, he mentioned his father there and he previously referred to him in another video about how hard it was growing up with a shattered and bitter former Nazi who fought in the war. He lays it all out there does Arnie and he has that talent where when he speaks people tend to listen.

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Have a look at a map and ask yourself why war in the Ukraine is a bigger deal in Europe. FFS.

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That seems like a bit of an oversimplification.

So the value of people’s lives is determined by their proximity to western Europeans?

Do you think we’d have a bigger reaction to Morocco, Algeria or Tunisia being bombed & invaded?