Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Russian nationalism bad

Ukrainian nationalism good

You are.

How does sycophancy to a warmonger help? Especially when it goes over the heads of the affected party, Ukraine?

It also went over the heads of the rest of the EU.

You don’t understand basic deterrence. Everything you say smacks of being an appeaser.

The way to prevent a crisis is by making the costs of starting a crisis so high for the aggressor that they will not dare follow though. This is senior hurling.

Again, you resort to the language of a child and buzzwords.

Read back what you have written. It is classic appeasement. Who the fuck are you to tell Ukrainians they should let their own country be destroyed, just because you feel like doing a bit of appeasing?

And you still have haven’t answered my questions.

Was Ukraine correct to fight occupation in 2014?

Would it be correct of Ukraine to fight further occupation now?

Russian nationalism is Nazi like.

Ukrainians just want to have their own country and decide their own path.

Lads like you would have the Brits back in here in a heartbeat.

And no knickers


Ok Cheney.

Who the fuck are you to decide Ukraine can be your proxy battlefield and disposable pawn to uphold your fantasy notions of absolute sovereignty? Your arrogance is breathtaking.

Those questions are for Ukraine to decide. Their lives, not yours.

There may well be a war. It’s probably tipped past 50/50 to more likely at this stage. The one thing I do know is that you don’t help things by ratcheting up tension or rhetoric or stakes, this is what you keep advocating for and it’s simplistic nonsense. Be grand for you to not give in to Russia and hold firm to your principles and see tens of thousands of Ukrainians dead and their country invaded. You could tell everyone you were right then. The only one coming out with simplistic childish bullshit is you.

Lads, it’s pretty simple, if the Russian’s invade (which it looks like they will), then they are the bad guys

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OK Troll.

You’re just being a Dick.

But I’m not the person that is telling Ukraine where to stick their independence. I’m not deciding anything for them. You’re the person that’s trying to do that. All because you fancy a bit of appeasement.

You’re backtracking now.

Look, just admit what you want. You want Russia to invade. How do we know? Because you think that Ukraine should lie down and accept it. You reject any deterrence. If there’s no deterrence, imperial might rules.

The implications of your worldview are frightening. It’s obvious you genuinely think that any place threatened by an aggressor should just lie down and supinely accept occupation. You believe this insanity in the name of “anti-war”, an Orwellian piece of branding if ever there were. Self styled “anti-war” cultism is just warmongering by another name. It blindly believes the fox when the fox says it will leave the hen house alone. The world doesn’t work according to the fairytales you believe.

Chesty and Glas will have more of a battle than Russia vs Nato, that’s not an insult that’s a fact of life as buff would say.

If they actually go to war we are all fucked so makes no difference

I honestly can’t get over the state of your simplistic nonsense. Here it is for you again, escalation is not a way out.

Your worldview is absolutist nonsense and you’re happy for any number of Ukrainians to die to maintain your principles. Simplistic, pathetic nonsense.

The arrogance of your position is astounding. “Ukraine should invite in nato troops”, “Ukraine should join NATO”, “fuck Russia”. Have you heard anything Ukraine has said it wants? Calm, talks, deescalation. Nope, because you’re too arrogant to listen to the country or people at risk. “We won’t give an inch on our sovereignty.” Classic right wing bullshit.

The absolute hack of your position, dressed up in your know-it-all pseudo intellectualism. Labane level stuff. I’ll leave you at it.

Jesus. Glas is battering Sid here. And @Lazarus is in his bedroom trying on some old soviet style clothes for the craic.

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That’s his pulling gear


It’s you who is peddling the simplistic nonsense. You think countries should just roll over!

Ukraine has been organising to defend itself for nearly a decade. It has armed itself and is crying out for western arms and other help.

You appear to not even know this.

And your delusion is child like. Your modus operandi has been to shout “troll” and “warmonger” and “Dick Cheney” around like a half wit.

“Calm, talks, deescalation”. Buzzwords. You genuinely think Putin can be negotiated with. The most basic lessons of history are lost on you.

And still you refuse to answer the most basic questions.

You think the west is the problem here, not Putin, don’t you?

Out to salthill to meet the krusties after their sea swim and impress them with his old parka and Russian hat. Fancy coffee, quinoa salad and a couple of spliffs to go with the moycullen mead one of them has brought. Then back to his boozer for board games and yoga.


Nailed it.


What a stupid post. Clearly Russia is the problem.

Your response to the problem is to shout Ra Ra Ra we - won’t give an inch - boots on the ground - go team America.

Your response is simplistic, wrong, stupid, arrogant and would definitely result in war, tens of thousands dead minimum and of course you telling everyone afterwards I told you so. Presumably you’d then be happy to be able to tell everyone on the internet you were right.

Your posts would indicate you think America is the problem, not Russia. I mean there you go again, blah blah blah. How is America responsible for this crisis? I’ll give you a clue. It isn’t.

“America”. Blah blah blah. Are you Mick Wallace?

Your ideology is “no war”. But that’s a meaningless buzzword. You have to have a strategy to stop war. And you have none. Your ideology is to just give the aggressor what it wants. That’s a not a strategy for anything except tyranny in Ukraine, and a complete emboldening of Russia in its quest to destroy democracy in Europe. It’s obvious you’ve never read anything about Putin, you treat him like a normal leader of a normal country. He is not. He is a potential Hitler. I mean Christ, have a look around you, his troops occupy six separate countries currently. He wages massive cyber attacks on other countries. He interferes in other countries’ elections and funds extremist groups in democratic countries to try and bring democracy elsewhere down. He has raped Russia of its resources, is almost certainly the richest man in the world as a result of him turning himself into the head a of mafia state, and murders opponents with impunity.

You don’t even understand that Ukraine has been arming itself and is desperate for western help.

You don’t understand any of this.

Ah now… They’ve been pumping money in and meddling in elections there since 2011 if not longer. You make a lot of pertinent points but America has been poking the bear through Ukraine for a number of years now. They’re not the sole reason but let’s not forget American imperialism is always at play.


What 6 countries does Russia occupy?

It is Russia who has been meddling in elections in Ukraine throughout its existence. Have you forgotten the poisoning of Viktor Yuschenko and the rigged election of 2004?

Putin bribed Yanukovych to not sign the EU Association Agreement of 2013 which had been democratically agreed and which Yanukovych had promised to sign. Then Yanukovych turned his guns on the peaceful protestors on the Maidan before fleeing into Putin’s bosom.

Then Russia tried to to fake the election results of 2014.

The people of Ukraine look on at western Europe and rightly see the model for what they want their own society to be - free and prosperous, and away from the Russian jackboot.

A free and prosperous democracy on Putin’s doorstep is kryptonite if he wants to continue to brainwash the Russian people. Brainwashing and fear are essential if you are a dictator who wants to keep power. And Putin knows he has to hobble democracy abroad too. There’s a reason people in East Germany wanted to get into West Germany.

There’s only one imperialism at play here - Russian imperialism.


You can probably throw Chechnya into the mix too. Putin blew his own people up as a fake pretext to crush Chechnyan resistance.