Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Kids from Ukraine will be integrated the same way as any non national would be to a new school. They will struggle with the language barrier initially, but over time they will improve. The school community and kids in particular are great in these situations. When you talk about a plan, what did you actually think that entails?


Why don’t you take action for all your question asking? Plant a big burning cross outside a direct provision centre or something?

You want to stop people fleeing war from coming to Ireland. I’d see that as right wing. I’d also call it appalling. Ireland for the Irish? White power!

Where did i say stop?

Don’t lie

Also, stop virtue signalling

What are you doing for all these people?

I want the best possible outcome for both nationalities. Something you obviously aren’t interested in

You clearly don’t know the first thing that has or hasn’t been done you’re talking through your hole. Why don’t you call up the department of education and ask them for “the plan” if you’re so concerned about it?

Why don’t you put your home up for use ?

Nothing has been done.

You specifically said you want to slow them down. How do you do that without stopping people coming? Tell me your plan.

Now you’re adding personalised irrelevant bullshit on top of your racist irrelevant bullshit.

Do you know the difference between an accelerator and a brake?

If you weren’t so angry you could read my posts without flipping out and calling me a fascist

So you calling me fascist isn’t personal. Don’t throw it out if you can’t take it

Blocking people fleeing war from coming to your country is fascist, yes.

You’ve been very clear in your fascist views, you’ve repeatedly stated them.

Ok, you’re going on ignore. You aren’t rational.

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Says the lad who wants to block refugees. Esteban O’Duffy himself.

In fairness, he’s changed tack. Yesterday it was demanding peopke be put it twnts and today he’s standing outside tracky’s house screaming at him to read his emails and tell him the plan. Tomorrow will be a belter.

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Thats actually Glas and the like who want people in tents.

More lies

(I presume that is what you meant )

Lads saying he killed his own daughter for some excuse to go in heavier.

Don’t forget demanding that I personally house people.

Better in tents than bombs falling on them. I wonder have you ever paused to consider the concept of “fleeing war”.

There are 10s of thousands fleeing back daily

It’s hard decipher what exactly it is you’re trying to say here.