Ruth Dudley Edwards

Like the nutcases you follow on Twitter, you believe everyone who disagrees with you is a racist. It’s not racist to state facts, even if they may be uncomfortable to leftist snowflakes.

I don’t just claim to support a particular candidate, I’m actively working on her campaign. I realize that’s hard for you to comprehend, living in your black and white bubble.

You think everybody who disagrees with you is a nutcase.

We learned that long ago.

So does Gemma O’Doherty. She shrieks at parked cars, and I’ve no doubt you do as well.

Unfortunately you’ve been living in a black and white bubble, or should I say exclusively white bubble, all your life.

Ms. Harris certainly doesn’t need enemies when she has white supremacist so called “friends” like you, who have been doing Trump’s bidding for years.

Actually with people like you on her tail, it’s no wonder her campaign isn’t going anywhere.

Mary Rafferty. As close as Ireland very had to an investigative journalist that exposed the Church, sacked by Geraldine Kennedy of the Irish Times for being a social democrat who wanted to also write about children in State care today.

You could at least go to the bother of getting her name right

And yet…

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I agree she’s unlikely to win, but is a very viable candidate for VP and Biden’s successor.

And yet you couldn’t offer a word in his defence

Almost Ruth Dudley Edwards-esque

I like reading Alex kane. He must be the only unionist who didn’t have pragmatism and realism bate out of him. And there’s no-one who can spit feathers quite like Brian Feeney.

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btw lads, just in case you didn’t know, Jamie Bryson is a journalist.

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Can’t anyone be a journalist these days?

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It would seem so.

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Prick couldn’t spell his name

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That’s the funniest post I’ve read here in ages.

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What’s wrong with him, that you don’t agree with a lot of his positions? Unlike the majority of writers he uses facts and figures, and understands them, when putting his pieces out there. He is always willing to engage with people who disagree with him.

Another good commentator is Stephen Kinsella who I would say is more to the left, but engages with data rather than cheap sound bites.

The biggest issue with modern media is that your humble reporter is now basically free to be an opinion writer on Twitter, or to certainly curate a timeline that reflects their personal views. This is clearly creeping into the “reporting” of news. Too many journalists, too young and too green, are being given a podium for their opinions to be heard. Journalists are not fully formed beasts when they arrive to work. Like anything else, there should be years put in honing the craft through reporting, interviewing or investigating. Yes we all have our opinions and there is a “type” that gets into journalism, but some of us shouldn’t have to care for it.

There is also the problem of feeble presenters who preach balance but do not challenge on the facts (see Brexit). Before Brexit John Humphreys was quite a respected presenter, now he is a shadow of himself. Then there is also the problem imported from the US of loudmouth presenters engaging in ratings winning efforts with loudmouth opinion pieces. This is a left and right issue, with the right certainly the more guilty party of it with the launch or Fox News in 1996.

That said, of course problems existed in journalism years ago. The problem of media barons (which I don’t see as great an issue with these days at all) and specific biases were always problems. But there was a skill in being a journalist, something that could mask the fact that they will always struggle to be as on top of in depth topics as those in amongst it. Now there is identify politics, sound bites and the protection of the herd.

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The term “identity politics” really should be done away with

What is commonly termed as left-wing “identity politics” is about simple human rights and respect

Right-wing “identity politics” is nothing more than simple bigotry

Good extremism and bad extremism…

Do expand

Extremism… I suspect it starts with the belief that one side is all good and the other all bad.

You’re not expanding

What is “good extremism”

I’m sure most see the irony here…