Second Captains

Who’s who on that Show? Murph is the dope doing the

It was a load of bollox you were told. Now fall in or fuck off…

[quote=“Mark Renton, post: 830490, member: 1796”]Who’s who on that Show? Murph is the dope doing the

It was a load of bollox you were told. Now fall in or fuck off…[/quote]

I will neither fall in nor fuck off you utter utter cunt.

Fall the fuck in like Renton told you. Its the best thing for you in the long run.

Fuck off you Galway hick.

@JBL[/USER] seems like a decent sort. It’s about time someone took @[USER=1796]Mark Renton[/USER] and @[USER=686]Kinvara’s Passion to heel.

JBL is not to be touched.

Forza Roma. Forza Italia.

Got great feedback over there on Broadsheet.

[quote=“braz83, post: 830009, member: 390”]Bullshit, that interview with O’Gara was shit and boring.

The section earlier was good. They’ve got the balance wrong between serious and (usually not) funny, but the show definitely has potential. Even if a lot of it is worth criticising, I like the fact that RTÉ are trying to do a bit of a sports discussion show like this and will give it a go for a while. No harm in trying to have a bit of a laugh on here in criticising parts of it either surely.[/quote]

Think it was in a Sunday Times article that said that Second Captains was commissioned by the RTE Comedy department and not by the the Sports department so may account for the reason it wasn’t really funny or a proper sports show.


Here’s hoping they’ve taken on board the advice laid out in this thread.

I want 50 free vBookie points if Murph says any of the following:

i) There’s something different about Mayo this year.
ii) Mayo are the team of destiny.
ii) Mayo are on a mission.

This is fucking painful TV. Rocky Dennis unveiling the Mayo shroud of Turin has to be the lowest point yet in this abortion of a show.

Bullshit. So far it’s been excellent

Yes a lot better this week so far

Great so far, pity Mcgeeney isn’t on.

Didn’t see it last week, but this isn’t too bad so far IMO. Not sure what purpose some of them are serving though. Devitt on his own would be perfect. No need for all the presenters when they’ve so many panelists

Much better this week. Unfortunately they seem to be persisting with the Know Your Sport shit, but I’d suppose you don’t mind it so much in the final segment and there has been a much better balance tonight. McDevitt’s not a great interviewer though. That bit with Sonia could have been much better. He is far too quick to go to generalities rather than trying to apply them to the career of the person in question, i.e. asking Sonia all about preparation without asking what went wrong in Atlanta (other than getting the shits obviously).

Vast improvement this week, a worthy addition to the TV schedule.

Yeah it’s pretty ok, nice mix to it