Second Captains

Its not great since acjimbo left.

Poor divil didn’t get to play against Dermo the other night, you’d feel for him all the same.

They took home about 100k a year for a couple of years there.

I’d say there’d about a hundred K of overheads and capital costs there for them annually. Rent, equipment, fees to guests ect.

They also have some sponsorship and on and off with RTÉ.

Probably all still taking that home now. Not bad at all.

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Beats working anyway


Churn is the issue but it’s so cheap as you say. I would say a bigger issue for them would be when people’s bank cards expire. You’ll always have people passively paying for these things like gym memberships and not really using them.

Early has his IT column as well.

He’s probably the best paid sports journalist in the country outside the ex pro duffers like Quinlan, Dunphy ect.

The word I was looking for

I was under the impression that was Early’s only gig these days.

He’s a good journalist…awful on TV though.

“Cord cutting” is another favoured phrase in the media biz.

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A backhanded compliment.

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That and Second Captains.

He does what, a weekly column and reports on games for them at major tournaments (including the tremendous South Africa v Japan rugby World Cup game). 30-40k a year for that? Plus he would be sent to places like Russia for the WC for free which would save SC some overheads.

Ken Early is a great example of the benefits of smoking cigarettes.

Never trust a writer who doesn’t smoke.

Why would any football fans listen to them ahead of a free football podcast , bizarre

Fair whack to them though

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Good luck to him, his articles in the IT are generally well thought out.

A killer for the three fellas, moving away from Early in particular is the fact that OTB hasnt suffered in their absense.

The TV show was potentially a good format, but it didnt work out either…it seemed v forced…and cringeworthy even at times.

Murph is very very lucky to have the other two lads. McDevitt is a good presenter and Early is excellent at what he does


Nail on the head there, I’d forgotten Murphs name even tbh.

Just remember him being an annoying cunt.

How much could we charge? :thinking:

For what would we be charged?

What would @Bandage be worth per hour?

Information you loonball.