Second Captains

Not a goldmine either though.

They have made more in the preceding years.

Mostly 90k-100k.

I doubt stuff like Ken’s Irish Times column runs through SC Ltd either so the likes of him will be making a bit more.

In comparison to most journalists that’s not too bad.

Separate alright I’d say.

Drop in advertising income?

Were they making more before the podcasts became a subscription service?

It only went subscription during 2017 didn’t it?

They might have decided to not pay themselves as much, would need to look at the full accounts to understand the cash flows. They only file abridged accounts iirc but easy enough to work out what cash is generated.

The amounts quoted are only what their companies invoice.

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Based on that snippet above cash on hand dropped by 100k yoy but as you said need full accounts really

Caught a few minutes of their Saturday programme,awful stuff.

Sorry just read it fully there and checked.

I’m guessing that huge creditor was cash owed to themselves in the prior year, they wouldn’t be paying much else apart from a premises lease and venue renting.

The service started in Feb/March last year so not a full year. They probably had some big enough set up costs for promotions etc. Not too bad.

I think I said here before that their biggest issue would be people changing cards and the recurring payment bouncing. People will just let any old shitty subscription keep going even if they dont use it.

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How much would Joe Molly be on?

He’s on Off The Ball isn’t he?

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70k with NT? Iirc the Phoenix had McDevitt on 80k before he left.

Although we might soon know- I don’t know if anyone in the press has figured out that there was a recently registered Off the Ball Ltd which Ger Gilroy is a director of.

You couldn’t survive in Dublin on 80k.


Don’t they run balls?

you could not survive in clare on 80k


You’d live like a king in Limerick though.

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That’s separate. OTB has seemingly been spun out of Newstalk by Denis O’Brien, make of that what you will.

The benefits of running a company on top of that plus their other ventures.

Newstalk staff are notoriously paid a pittance. The Simon Hicks of the world are doing well out of it.

Hicks keeps a v low profile compared to the rest of em. Sound fella

No, he’s the producer.


Ba boom tish