Second Captains

What paper is that from?


I lol’d at that. Classic Bandage

Second Captains Saturday really is excellent

Consistently interesting guests and stimulating discussion

Beats the shit out of #marian


I’d say Ken went bright red when Simpson scoffed at the idea that the UK was on the verge of collapse.

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Any sports on it?

He stopped poor auld Ken dead in his tracks.

There was some middle England type chap on today talking about his love of rubby… I caught about 30 seconds of it before sticking on Classic hits instead.

Is murph still as hillarious as ever?

Does he still talk through his nose?

Four of these lads are in some pickle now, as are the Off the Ball chaps.

However the great Ken Early will no doubt use this chance to branch out into current affairs journalism full time.

Crisis = opportunity, as the Chinese say.

The second captains lads have a heap of sporting investigation podcasts coming out in the next few weeks.

I know they have a series about George Gibney coming out soon but they’re basically going to have to turn into a full time Coronavirus/political podcast over the coming months.

Surely could do loads of historical/nostalgia stuff. Their demographic would lap that up

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A lot of the potential guests will be in ICUs or dead.

Very unusual for you to worry about the lads given this sort of global crisis is all your Christmas’s at once. Is it possible you are jealous of their sporting knowledge ?

How many people will actually go to the bother of cancelling their sub

Not many. I’d say plenty will be cancelling their Sky subscription though.

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I’ll keep paying even if they don’t provide content. Very Irish to be trying to bury lads here.
